The Sweat Box by Carmen Rosales EPUB & PDF

The Sweat Box by Carmen Rosales EPUB & PDF

The Sweat Box by Carmen Rosales EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Carmen Rosales
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

PULLING into the driveway of the townhouse, I place the car in park,
ignoring the annoying whine of the timing belt as the car shuts off. I need to
get that fixed. Hell, I need a whole new car. But with no job and only two
hundred bucks in my savings account, I’m stuck with this beat-up Honda
Accord caked with rust until I finish school.

I spot Jimmy’s late-model silver Porsche parked in his space. I check
the date and time on my phone to make sure I didn’t miss anything. He
should be at practice.

After I graduated from high school, it all happened fast. My parents
followed me to Penn State to make sure I made it to my dorm building the
weekend before college started. By the following week, I was dating

He was a popular freshman because he played hockey. Everyone knew
who Jimmy was. He was the kind of guy you knew was in the room as soon
as you walked in. Guys wanted to be him, and girls wanted him. He had the
guy-next-door vibe mixed with the bad-boy look. His eyes are the color of
moss, and he is tall with an athletic frame, brown hair, and a nice smile. I
felt lucky the night he walked up to me and asked to hang out.

Back home, my parents were overprotective. I wasn’t the popular girl
guys gave a second thought about because I wasn’t allowed to go out on
dates. My parents only allowed girls to come over and only when they were
home. I was embarrassed and always turned down anyone who asked.
When I unlock the front door, the blast of cold air from the air
conditioner cools my heated skin. I scan the cream- colored couches in the
living room.

After three years of living together, I find it weird that he isn’t plopped
on the couch watching TV.

“Hello,” I call out. There’s no response.
I notice the couch pillows are still in the same place I left them
yesterday when I cleaned up. No dirty plates or cups litter the glass coffee
table. He leaves a mess when he hangs out in the living room after he gets
home from practice.

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