The Song of Youth by Effrosyni Moschoudi EPUB & PDF

The Song of Youth by Effrosyni Moschoudi EPUB & PDF

The Song of Youth by Effrosyni Moschoudi EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Effrosyni Moschoudi
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.9 MB
  • Price: Free

Emilia crossed the busy coastal road and stood on the pavement, staring out
into the semi-darkness. She could hardly see the beach at this late hour but
could hear the sea sighing as the waves broke softly on the shore.

It was early June, and she felt grateful to have chosen to wear sandals
tonight. A sudden urge overcame her to walk barefoot on the beach, so she
removed her sandals and stepped onto the sand. The breeze was pleasant
and felt just right on her bare arms and face. Her long summer dress
billowed softly at the hem as she began to saunter to the edge of the shore.
Now, as the sounds of the sea amplified, the traffic noises began to die
down, and the strong lights from the restaurants and bars lining the street no
longer reached her.

She stood on the wet sand, the water tickling her toes, and, a little later,
she began to see more clearly in the semi-darkness. The waxing moon cast a
mesmerising silver glow on the water’s surface. Transfixed, she gazed at it
for a while, allowing her mind to drift.

The lights of the small marina at the edge of the bay glowed like amber
in the distance, catching her attention and reminding her she was still in

This eastern suburb of Athens had been her home since her twenties,
twenty odd years ago. Even though Varkiza was built on the outskirts of a
metropolitan city, on this beach she could often fool herself… Especially in
the dark, it often helped her to imagine she was back on Milos, the island
where she’d been raised and had come to miss to the point of tears.

Tears… Oh, how many of those I’ve shed! And not just for missing
Milos. But also for the suffering that had befallen her family for two
decades, depriving her of so much, a life of bliss on the island included. But
now, all that had left her feeling as weak as a blade of grass that once used
to bend effortlessly, flexible and green, at the whim of her life’s raging
winds. But, these days, now overgrown, weakened and hardened, that blade
of grass that once was her young self, now felt like a twig about to snap in
half at the softest whisper of life’s next capricious wind.

Emilia sat on the sand and began to weep. Oh, how it all burdened
her… Her family memories, all that suffering, and all the things she never
did or had because of all that hardship. And now, she was forty-five,
without a steady job.

The gardening service she provided to the odd
customer she could find, she did it on her own, so she had no colleagues.
She had virtually no friends and, more importantly, she had no family of her
own either. No husband or children.

Yes… Life’s capricious winds had just kept blowing. And they were
thieves. They had stolen everything from her in the process.
What brought this on today? Why do I feel more upset than normal? I
know it’s my birthday, but…

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