The Silver Fox by Barbara Delinsky EPUB & PDF

The Silver Fox by Barbara Delinsky EPUB & PDF

The Silver Fox by Barbara Delinsky EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Barbara Delinsky
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.1 MB
  • Price: Free

The Silver Fox. Justine O’Neill would never, never forget the first time she
saw him. It was a Thursday afternoon, shortly after two. She had just
returned to the office after delivering a luncheon address before members of
the Counseling Association of America.

The balmy April air had flushed her
cheeks in complement to strawberry-blond curls which, buoyed by the
weather, framed her face and cascaded in thick waves to her shoulders. In
the after-math of her enthusiastic reception by the several hundred
professionals gathered at the New York Hilton for their annual meeting, her
eyes sparkled a bright emerald-green.

As the brass-rimmed doors of Ivy, Gates and Logan swung shut behind
her, she stepped briskly toward the desk of the receptionist. Her hands laden
with purse, briefcase, and a thick legal notebook, she smiled in greeting.

“Any messages, Angie?”
The receptionist’s responding “On your desk, Ms. O’Neill” was met with
a passing nod as Justine swept onward, through the open archway and into
the maze of halls and offices that comprised the inner workings of the
renowned law firm. Her slender legs took her down one corridor and up the
next, the rapid beat of her high-heeled pumps silenced by the fine creamhued carpet. At the door of her own office, however, she came to an abrupt
halt. Senses suddenly sharpened, she grew alert. Then, drawn by an
inexplicable force, she turned her head to the far end of the corridor.

There, at the entrance to the firm’s posh conference room, stood five
men. She quickly recognized four of them as her colleagues and dismissed
them summarily. It was the fifth man whose silent appeal reached to her,
commandeering her attention, capturing her eye and imagination to the
momentary exclusion of all else.

He was a striking figure. Taller by inches than the others in the group, an
air of distinction set him further apart. He was tanned and vibrant, yet
deeply composed and notably relaxed in contrast to the air of keyed-up
anticipation exuded by the others. His jaw was firm, his chin smooth, his
cheeks leanly planed, his lips set purposefully.

The face was that of a man
on the near side of forty, a man in his prime enjoying life to the fullest. But,
above it all and most enchanting was a crown of the thickest, most vital
shock of pure silver hair that Justine had ever seen. Sterling silver. Rich and
elegant. Gleaming. And, with a deliberateness that altered the beat of her
heart, his dark eyes held hers.

For a brief breath of eternity, time stood still. Engulfed in a wave of
sensation wholly new and fathomless, Justine was captivated, hypnotized
by the intensity of the man. She felt herself probed to the core, stripped of
the protective veneer she had so carefully cultivated over the years. She felt
suddenly raw, open, and vulnerable. And, she felt terrified, as though she
were a small animal, hunted, cornered, and defenseless.

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