The Shadow’s Edge by Rachel Song EPUB & PDF

The Shadow’s Edge (THE CHANTERS NOVELLAS #2) by Rachel Song EPUB & PDF

The Shadow’s Edge (THE CHANTERS NOVELLAS #2) by Rachel Song EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rachel Song
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The dungeon reeked of silence and death.
In the depths beneath the palace grounds was a windowless block of
cells, kept purposefully away from the rest of the prison. The old stone
walls had been reinforced over the years, and even in the darkness, the
magic wards glimmered faintly for any who cared to notice them.
Isabel Algerin cared to notice them.

She kept her distance on the narrow, darkened staircase as two guards in
the red and green of Medira unlocked the door, far enough back so that they
couldn’t see her. Even so, the stench of foul air and human odor from the
warded cell block washed over her.

Her body coiled with tension as she waited for the first guard to move
through the doorway, and then the second, before slinking down the final
steps behind them. The edge of her tunic brushed against the guard’s arm as
he turned to haul the door shut, and for a moment, he hesitated, his eyes
struggling to focus in the darkness.

She flattened herself against the wall, willing herself to fade away. The
guard frowned.
“Everything all right, Estes?” the other guard called from farther up the
row of cells.

“Yeah.” Estes shook his head. “I thought I saw something is all. This
place can really get to you after a while.” He squinted again, his frown
deepening, but turned to follow his colleague.

Isabel exhaled and waited until the guards with their dim lanterns of
enchanted orb fire reached the end of the cells before peeling herself off the
wall. That had been far too close.

She could become a part of the darkness as easily as breathing, slipping
through shadows where no one could find her. It was a magic she hadn’t
known others couldn’t do until the women of the village back home in
Rendra had begun to whisper loudly about shadows and the reprobate souls
who made deals with them, telling their children to run whenever Isabel
came out to play. Isabel roughly pushed the memory away.

The prisoners were at the bars of their cells now, scrabbling for the bowls
of slop and tankards of water the guards shoved through a slot at the bottom
of the bars. Isabel already knew that there were twelve men in these cells,
most of them young, most of them able to wield magic, and all from the
Inetian empire north across the sea.

She knew what had happened in the Malathi pass in the southeast of
Medira a few weeks before. Mediran soldiers had raided the enclave of
Sorothi chanters where these men had been hiding. Half a dozen of them
had been killed.

But for the members of the enclave, it had been either
capture or death. They had betrayed the emperor of Ineti and were planning
to use the chanters’ forbidden magic to assassinate the emperor and put one
of his sons on the throne.

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