The Seers Protg by A J Valdois EPUB & PDF

The Seers Protg by A J Valdois EPUB & PDF

The Seers Protg by A J Valdois EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: A J Valdois
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Dragons & Mythical Creatures Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.8MB
  • Price: Free

The cart was too full of children and vines gathered for the Celebration of
Light for Aara to ride with them, so she walked back to the caretakers’
guildhall alone. Passing by the sunbaked, terracotta structures, the multistoried guildhalls and single-storied outbuildings of Gupura, she spied the
textile guild, and her thoughts ran to Ife. When she had been in school at
Trelerra, she had often occupied herself with imagining what she would say
to best friend from secondary school when she saw her again. The list of
secrets had piled up, but her reunion with Ife had not been what she
expected. She still had not found the nerve to tell her story. Her eyes
scanned the guildhall for signs of her friend.

As her steps slowed, however, an ear-shattering shriek from up ahead
caused them to speed up again. She ran toward the sound which was
coming from the square in front of the caretakers’ guildhall. A red wyvern
crouched in one corner, its wings pulled together in a canopy over its feet.
The cart Aara had been following was upended, one wheel caught on a
hitching post. Children and vines spilled everywhere, as the donkey
frantically tried to free itself from the tangle it had made of its traces. Aara’s
mother, Varana and Ned, another caretaker, were scrambling among the
children, who lay tumbled on the cobblestones crying and screaming.
Aara turned to the dragon. Calm down. She sent the dragon the image of
staying low, small, and quiet, slowly edging away from the wreckage of the

The dragon shuddered but didn’t move.
What’s wrong? Can I help? She sent the image of the dragon’s covered
feet with a query.

The dragon ducked lower, edging away from the children. My rider…
Aara caught the image of a young woman wearing the distinctive blue tunic
of a journeyman channeler. She’s hurt! In the images the dragon sent, the
woman was unconscious, falling through the sky, caught the next moment
by the dragon’s claws, and slowly lowered to the ground in the courtyard.
The dragon raised his wings slightly so that Aara caught a glimpse of her,
still clutched in the wyvern’s claws. She needs to be fixed!
Aara sent soothing, calming thoughts. I understand. I can help. She sent
the image of the healer’s clinic a half a furlong down the street to the north.
I’ll make sure she’s taken there.

The dragon started to move toward the street Aara had indicated, but in
doing so, he also moved toward the children, whose shrieking raised to a
louder pitch at his approach.

You can’t come. Aara imagined the dragon’s head pushing through the
healers’ door. You won’t fit. I’ll take her. You wait… She searched her
memory for a place nearby where the dragon could roost without disturbing
anyone. There was a pavilion in a nearby park. It wouldn’t be used at this
time of year… not with everyone getting ready for the Celebration. She sent
the dragon an image of it. Wait there. I’ll tell your rider where to find you.
Varana and Ned were hurrying the children into the guildhall, their arms
full of small bodies.

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