The Santinis Collection, Vol. Three by Melissa Schroeder EPUB & PDF

The Santinis Collection, Vol. Three (#9-11) by Melissa Schroeder EPUB & PDF

The Santinis Collection, Vol. Three (#9-11) by Melissa Schroeder EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Melissa Schroeder
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Price: Free

With the sun breaking just over the water, Anthony Santini
grabbed his towel and headed out the door for a swim. The
moment he stepped out onto the stoop, the scent of salty
water and plumerias grew stronger. It had been cool enough
lately to sleep with the windows open, but he could only get
that sweet/salty scent in full force when he was outside.

He drew in a deep breath and started down the path to the
ocean. For three months, he had been training for the
triathlon. It had been awhile since he had left the Marines,
and it had begun to show. Training had helped him get
himself back on track.

As he stepped past his cousin’s backyard, he saw Alana,
Marco’s wife. Sweet as the Hawaiian day was long; she was
hitting that last trimester of pregnancy. How she stayed so
radiant looking after dealing with a toddler all day, mostly
on her own, Anthony wasn’t sure; but there was a good
chance if she bottled it up, she would be a trillionaire.

She was standing there on the lanai, looking out at the
ocean. The trades were soft and gentle, and they pulled at the
long dress she was wearing. The expression on her face told
him everything he needed to know. Even though he was
returning today, Marco had been gone for a few weeks, and
he knew she was thinking about him.

“Hey, sweet lady, how are you doing?”
She glanced over at him with a smile on her lips. She had
her long, dark hair hanging loose, and the wind was playing
with the ends of it. It was easy to see why his quiet cousin
had fallen for the Hawaiian beauty. There was something so
fragile about her at times it made him very protective. Of
course, she was married to a Santini, so Anthony knew she
was stronger than she might appear.

“I’m doing fine. But if you want to sound more like a
local, you need to say ‘Howzit?’”
He rested his arms against the top of the fence. “Not sure
if that is ever going to happen; although, we tend to adapt

“You, as in Santinis?”
“Partially, but partly because we’re brats. We all know
how to fit in, pick up habits.”
“Yeah, Marco picked it up well.”

“Helps when he marries a pretty Hawaiian woman.” She
blushed at that. “I thought you would still be in bed.”
She sighed as she walked over to the fence. When she was
closer, he could see the dark circles under her eyes and he
worried. He hadn’t been around many pregnant women for
any extended amount of time. One thing Anthony knew was
that rest was extremely important.

“I wish. Once I hit the halfway mark last time, I started
having problems sleeping. Doesn’t help that this one is a

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