The Road to Roswell by Connie Willis EPUB & PDF

The Road to Roswell by Connie Willis EPUB & PDF

The Road to Roswell by Connie Willis EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Connie Willis
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Humorous Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Paul: Yeah, well, you’re killin’ yourself. A friend can’t be worth
Hogy: Well now, how would you know? Did you ever have one?
—The Virginian
Serena wasn’t in the airport waiting area when Francie got off
the plane in Albuquerque, but a man carrying a sign reading
— was.
UFO Festival? Serena hadn’t said anything about a UFO festival going
on at the same time as her wedding. Maybe it’s not in Roswell, Francie
thought hopefully. But of course it was. Where else would a UFO festival

And as if to confirm that, here came two guys in Star Trek uniforms and
Spock ears, hurrying up to greet a third in a silver unitard and a gray alien
mask with large black almond-shaped eyes and no nose.
Thank goodness I didn’t succeed in talking Ted into being my plus-one
for this wedding, she thought. Or worse, Graham. She’d tried to talk
somebody, anybody, from work into coming with her so Serena wouldn’t
try to fix her up with someone, but when she’d told them where the
wedding was, they’d all said no.

“Roswell?” Graham had said. “The place with all the UFO nut jobs?”
“Why is it in Roswell?” Ted had asked. “Does your friend live there?”
“No, she lives in Phoenix. They’re just having the wedding in Roswell.”
“Why?” Graham said. “Why would anyone in their right mind go to
Roswell?” and she’d been forced to tell them that Serena was marrying one
of those selfsame UFO nut jobs, at which point both of them had not only
refused to be her plus-one but told her she was crazy for going herself.
“I have to,” she’d told them. “Serena asked me to be her maid of honor,
and she’s one of my very best friends. She was my freshman roommate in
college. We have a special bond.”

“A special bond?” Graham had said. “What are you, Sisters of the
Traveling Pants or something?”

“No,” she’d said defensively, “but I owe her a lot. She saved my life
when I was a freshman,” and tried to explain how, when she’d arrived at
college in Tucson, knowing no one, homesick for New England, and
shocked by the heat and barrenness of the Southwest, Serena had kept her
from getting on the first plane home. She’d shown her around campus,
introduced her to people, taught her what tumbleweeds and javelinas and
saguaros were, and convinced her there weren’t any rattlesnakes on campus
(which would definitely have sent Francie screaming back to Connecticut).
And when Francie’s high school boyfriend had broken up with her two
weeks later, Serena’d sat with her while she’d sobbed, told her “he wasn’t
right for you at all,” and generally patched her back together.

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