The Rise and Ruin of Everwood by Alicia Morgan EPUB & PDF

The Rise and Ruin of Everwood by Alicia Morgan EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Alicia Morgan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Seven years later
Two things were certain. One, there was a deep, bleeding gash across his
abdomen, and two, he couldn’t hear a damn thing. A woman knelt before
him, mouthing words he couldn’t make out. Her dark green jacket was
covered in dirt and blood, and soot clung to her long, golden hair that hung
in loose waves around her shoulders. Her jade eyes were not familiar to

Candlelight cast a glow against wooden walls he did not recognize. He
jerked upright, and a sheet crumbled about his waist, exposing part of his
naked body. Where were his clothes?

Jarring pain sent him flat on his back. He was sure his head was being
split in two, if the ringing in his ears was any indication. He lifted his hands
to his head in an attempt to relieve his pain. For a moment, everything went
black and emptiness consumed him. He’d fallen into a black hole of
nothingness . . .

Then the burning took hold. He was roasting from the inside out,
cooked by the flames of hell. What had he done to deserve this torture?
He wanted to ask the woman with the golden locks to douse the flames
licking at his skin, but his eyelids became heavy.

Relief washed over him as coolness seeped into his skin, penetrating his
bones and turning them to ice.
What journey was this? Must he venture through fire and ice before
returning to the land of the living?
Shivers racked his body. His muscles spasmed, his guts wrenched, and
his head felt like a block of wood. A heaviness settled in his chest as his
extremities went numb.

He was dying.
There was no other explanation. His body had given up and was
shutting down. His mind, still sharp, knew this to be true. It was only a
matter of time before that went too.
He waited, living in the hell he now called home. How much time had
passed was uncertain, but time kept moving. That was made obvious by the
chills shuddering through his body one minute and heat eating at his flesh
the next.

Then the pain ceased in his head, and it no longer throbbed with agony
—that could not be a good sign. The end was near.
Darkness took hold once more, and he welcomed it. The nothingness
that would end his anguish was more than a delight. Crossing over into the
afterlife would be easy after what he’d just endured. He was ready to finish
this journey.

A pinprick of white light shone before him. It was a warmth that did not
burn, an end to the suffering. He would not turn his back on it. This is
where he was meant to be . . .

An angel’s voice surrounded him—soft, calming, comforting. A whisper
on the wind, a flutter of a butterfly’s wings.
She called to him, singing sweet words, welcoming him into a new
world. He wanted to follow her, to join her, to be where she was.

His body had been weakened, but his will was strong.
With every last bit of strength he possessed, he awoke in a new world.
“You’re awake?” The angel addressed him.
This he had not expected.

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