The Rewilding of Molly McFlynn by Sue Reed EPUB & PDF

The Rewilding of Molly McFlynn by Sue Reed EPUB & PDF

The Rewilding of Molly McFlynn by Sue Reed EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:Sue Reed
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Popular
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Leaving Town
We drove out of Newcastle in silence. Enough had been said already.
Mam’s eyes were swollen, dark circles and she had no makeup on, hair
scragged back into a bobble. She looked proper messy. Her roots needed
doing. I straightened my hair before we left and had a new nail design.
Black and white stripes, Toon colours. I spent ages doing them last night to
match my new top. Mam was wearing her usual blue jeans and a pale blue
jumper with a small silver cross around her neck. You’d have thought she’d
have had enough of blue at work.

I picked up my phone. If I was going to be sent away, then I’d need a way
of keeping in touch with my friends. I set up a group chat and added Abby,
Shona, Jess, Esmée and Amy. I added Dom too – after all, he was the best
dressed out of all of us. Group name: ‘The Cutie Cats’. First message:
hi ? starting a group chat. being sent away for a few days ? not for long. be back
before my bday ? can’t wait! love u all ?❤? xx
I waited a couple of minutes, but no one replied, so I snapped a selfie
holding up my black and white nails, touched up my skin, added some
sparkles then posted it to my Instagram story. I had two new followers, but
they were both suntanned middle-aged men in American military uniforms
looking for love and friendship. I blocked them.

A few dogwalkers braved the Town Moor, heads bent against the wind.
Rumour had it the Hoppings might not be on this year. Even if they were, I
didn’t think I’d be allowed to go after Mam found out I got off with the lad
that worked on the Waltzer last year, and now this. You could see the cows
in the distance across the grass. Weird, that. Cows in the middle of

Abby hates them. She makes us walk miles out of our way, right around
the edge rather than crossing the moor using the middle path. Cows are OK
if you don’t have a dog. We don’t have any pets. Nan and Grandad have got
a dog, a cat, chickens and bees, if you can count bees and chickens as pets. I
couldn’t wait to see Meggie, their Border Collie. It’s been ages.

consolation, I suppose, for five days of boredom. It was fun going to their
house when I was a kid, but we’ve not been for years and I’m not a kid
anymore. I’m not sure why we stopped going. Mam changes the subject
when I ask, and she gets angry if I go on, so it’s best left. I have kept in
touch with my nan – she sends birthday and Christmas presents and likes

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