The Reign of Blood by KC Kean EPUB & PDF

The Reign of Blood (HEIR ACADEMY #2) by KC Kean EPUB & PDF

The Reign of Blood (HEIR ACADEMY #2) by KC Kean EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: KC Kean
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.3 MB
  • Price: Free

My fingers tingle the way they always do when I know I’m going to do
something rash and possibly stupid. My usual collected and calculated
manner disappears into the thick of night, leaving me to crawl from the
derelict depths with my own blood, sweat, and tears fueling me.
Only this time, as the world unravels before me, I’m not making the
decision for myself.

Standing, my seat at the table is long forgotten while Brody and Kryll
remain in their spots with a silent Janie, who is blinking up at her alpha like
he’s going to tear her throat out. He just might if that snarl on his face is
anything to go by.

The moon party seems to have found the highlight of its entertainment,
and I’m not the least bit surprised that it involves the lowly fae that
continues to survive in such settings. What puzzles me most is the fact that I
can’t seem to turn away.

I blink, my eyelids shuttering in slow motion as I hear the treacherous
words swirl around the trees, gathering us in and holding us captive.
“I’ve sliced the ears of a Fae before.” … “A small girl.” … “Not just
any small girl…you.”

“Me.” The word is barely more than a whisper from Addi’s lips.
I frown, noting the horror on her face as a sickly feeling ripples down
my spine. I knew the leader of the Kenner pack was insane, but this is
something else entirely. He’s ruthless to the core. In another setting, it might
be inspiring, but the way my muscles bunch together tells me that’s not
what my subconscious is taking away from this little speech.

“Somebody spell it out for me.” Cassian’s growl pisses me off. He
knows his father better than anyone, or maybe not, considering the truth
seeping into the night air around us, but he should know better. He wants to
hear it said out loud because he refuses to believe the weight behind the
words. Words that have his father beaming with pride, a salacious grin
splitting across his face.

Maybe Cassian should just put the girl down so we can see what she can
do. The stiffness to her arms, the coiling of her fists, it’s a little exciting.
She’ll fail against Kenner, but watching her direct her rage is a source of
entertainment I’m growing fond of.

As if sensing my thoughts, Addi growls. “Let go of me, Cassian. He
needs to pay.” Her green eyes narrow at Kenner. “What you did to my
sister…” Her pain is

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