The Quiet Alpha and His Fox (WEST COAST COYOTES #2) by Aria Grace EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Aria Grace
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2.1 MB
- Price: Free
The sun glistened off the scales of the rainbow trout as I pounced, then
dragged my still-flopping breakfast to a nearby sunny rock. I bit through its
neck cleanly to put it out of its misery then gave my fur a good shake before
I laid down in the sun to enjoy my meal. The early-morning light
shimmered off the lake and warmed my fur as I tore every morsel off the
fish’s bones, needing the calories for the day ahead.
I sucked in a deep breath of fresh air and closed my eyes, listening to the
sounds of birds singing, the nearby tinkling brook, and a distant crop duster.
Utter peace. After I opened my eyes, the vibrant yellow of my crop, lit up
by the sun, took my breath away.
The pawflower was nearly in full bloom. Any other shifters would be going
out of their mind if they were surrounded by two hundred acres of blooming
flowers, but none were within ten miles.
And with my immunity, I’d grown to love the sweet smell of the powdery
flower that had no effect on me.
Esteban made the right choice by sending me out here. The farm was a huge
success, bringing in enough income to provide security for the pack, to help
our local communities, and to tuck away a decent nest egg for myself. I’d
never been happier. My daily mix of solitude, hard work, and nature
provided me with all I needed to be happy.
Well, content anyway.
During my time on the farm, I’d also grown stronger and bigger. Even
though I hired seasonal workers when I needed them, I did most of the work
myself. And with the valley’s long growing seasons, I had little time to sit
around and feel useless, like I did when I was with the pack.
After I stretched out my back and legs, I shook off the last of the lake water
and buried the fish bones, then started my morning rounds. Making rounds
was easiest in my fur because I could circle the miles around my farm in no
time at all. Once the pawflower was fully in bloom, it needed constant
surveillance to keep thieves away.
The crop was well hidden, set back off the road, and I’d strategically planted
trees and creative landscaping so it looked like a hobby orchard to anyone
passing by. If someone were to take the time to travel the long road up to
the crop or traverse one of the huge fields to get to it, I’d know they were
coming long before they got there. That’s why I was so confused when I
caught the scent of a stranger on the land.
I was nearly done marking the borders of the crops—my signal to any
shifters to stay the hell away—when an unfamiliar scent came up from the
direction of the tall willow tree. Cautiously, I crept over to take a look.
Sometimes a laborer would leave a jacket or lunchbox, but there was
nothing like that. I sniffed around the tree and knew for sure that somebody
had been here.
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