The Professor’s Surprise Baby by Emily Crescent EPUB & PDF

The Professor’s Surprise Baby (THE SECRET BABIES OF DADDY’S HEARTS #1) by Emily Crescent EPUB & PDF

The Professor’s Surprise Baby (THE SECRET BABIES OF DADDY’S HEARTS #1) by Emily Crescent EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Emily Crescent
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The pictures are far, far better than I expected. They’re really stunning.
They’re all risqué but they range from slightly sexual to overtly near
pornographic. There are drawings, painting, photos, and mixed-media
pieces. T-Angle is a multi-disciplined artist, and I can understand why the
gallery decided on this exhibition even though he’s an unknown. This
gallery actually shows several unknown artists. Several hide their identities
so their art is judged on its own merits without reputation. My best friend
got me into the gallery tonight as a going-away present. I just graduated and
my flight leaves tomorrow night at eight.

Kayla knew I wanted to see this, though.
I see there’s a program book that has full-page pictures of the pieces on
display. I take one and text Kayla to tell her I’m buying it.
Then, I hear a voice behind me. “How do you get in here? This isn’t
open until tomorrow.”

“Oh, my friend took care of it for me, and…” I stop talking when I’m
fully turned around and I see Vance French standing in front of me. It’s no
exaggeration for me to say that I’ve been crushing on him forever. “Dr.
French,” I say, “It’s great to see you one last time.”

He smiles. “Emily, wow. It’s good to see you. How are you here?”
“Probably the same way you are,” I say. “Kayla told me I could look at
T-Angle’s art tonight since I’ll be on a plane tomorrow. She’s helping you
avoid the crowd, too? Something like that?”

He smiles and says, “Something like that.”
“Oh, Vance. I’m sorry,” she says. “I should have warned you that Emily
was here.”

“It’s no problem at all,” he says. Why would it be a problem?
“Do you have the list for me?” she asks with a smile. List? She
graduated last year.

“Actually, I think everything looks fine. The only thing I wonder is if
the books need to be quite as expensive. It’ll mostly be students here
tomorrow, right?”

Kayla nods and says, “What if we create a deep discount for students?”
“That’ll work,” he says with a smile, “and I’m really happy with how
you’ve displayed everything.”

Then it clicks. “You! You’re T-Angle!” I say in shock.
He smiles at me. “Guilty as charged.”

This is a pretty darned significant realization. I turn around and stare at
the picture in front of me. It’s a woman’s face in watercolor, and she’s very
clearly experiencing an orgasm. This man is… Well, he’s a scientist focused
on genetics and… Well, who cares?

The point is that he’s a genius in the
hard sciences. The university has equipment and laboratories paid for by
grants he’s received. There are certain medical developments linked directly
to his research but some of the applications of his research affect industries
unrelated to the medical field

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