The Principal of it All by Fiona Maren EPUB & PDF

The Principal of it All by Fiona Maren EPUB & PDF

The Principal of it All by Fiona Maren EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Fiona Maren
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Multicultural & Interracial Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

WHEN OLIVIA WILLIS graduated high school ten years ago,
she foolishly assumed it was the most important high school graduation of
her life. Now, as she lined students up in the back of the auditorium, she
was way more invested than she’d ever been at any of her own graduations.
In fact, Olivia skipped the graduation from her Master’s program to get her
nails done. Maybe prioritizing students’ successes over her own made her a
cliche of a burned-out educator, but that was fine. Her first teaching job had
been in the English department; she knew all about the importance of

“Okay, I’m going to need Aarons through Avila to quietly—please note
I said quietly—line up in front of the double doors.” She herded the line
along, receiving fist bumps and head nods from the students who’d been
paying attention and loud hellos from those who hadn’t. This year’s
graduation was bittersweet. It was the last group she’d had in class before
she went from English teacher to School Improvement Community
Coordinator, or SICC (the world of education was nothing if not a long list
of abbreviations). This was the last year graduating students would know
her name. There was a lot to love about her role in admin. It was her dream
to have an impact on structural changes the entire time she’d been teaching,
but dammit if she didn’t miss the one-on-one connections with the kids in
times like this.

“All right, Wilson through Zamora, I think y’all know what to do by
now.” As Olivia ushered the last group through, their designated staff line
leader, the dance coach, gave her a wink. Carolina also happened to be
Olivia’s roommate, which was the only reason she’d been able to convince
her to volunteer for graduation. They both loved the kids, but if it hadn’t
been for Olivia’s shameless guilt-tripping, Caro would be at the slackerteacher happy hour, not herding seniors.
Olivia put away the chairs she’d gotten out so the pregnant graduates
could sit while they waited and thanked the vendors who were backstage,
then sprinted out the side door (as gracefully as time and circumstances
allowed for) to hunt down the missing school bus full of soon-to-begraduates. Yes, the entire LMNOP section of the senior class went missing

on the short bus ride from school to the auditorium. Apparently, the bus
driver had the address for an auditorium clear on the other side of town, and
it wasn’t until they were almost there that the teacher chaperons on board
caught on to what was happening. The bus had to turn back around and got
caught in rush hour traffic. It was finally there, and Olivia wasn’t going to
take any chances. There wasn’t any buffer left in the timeline for them to
get lost again.

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