The Princess by Wendy Holden EPUB & PDF

The Princess by Wendy Holden EPUB & PDF

The Princess by Wendy Holden EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Wendy Holden
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Biographical Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Eeneath a hot blue summer sky, the bells of the great cathedral pealed
joyfully over the city. The crowds roared their delight. The glass coach
moved through the streets, pulled by proud white horses and attended by
gold-braided footmen.

From behind the polished crystal windows, the teenage princess-to-be
peered excitedly out. She could scarcely believe the number of people who
had come to see her, all jostling on the pavement, madly waving flags and
shouting her name. Never had she felt so loved.
Or so beautiful. Her professionally done makeup was perfect, a light
touch because of her youth but enough to enhance her loveliness for the TV
cameras, the audience watching across the world. Her thick blond hair
gleamed, held in place by a diamond tiara. Her cream silk dress was so
huge it almost filled the carriage; her father, sitting beside her, was nearly
hidden behind its folds.

“Bigger!” she had laughingly told the designer when he had asked how
large and long the train should be. “Let’s make it the biggest one anyone’s
ever seen!”
She had said the same to the florist. More roses! More lilies! More
orange blossoms! Why hold back, on this glorious day? She felt
extravagantly, deliriously happy, and she wanted everything, from the
pearls in her ears to the lace rosettes on her shoes, to express it.
“Darling, I’m so proud of you!” Her father, eyes brimming with tears,
reached for her hand, on which the great engagement ring glittered. The
wedding band itself, made from a special nugget of gold, was with her
soon-to-be-husband, the prince. Who, even now, was ascending the red
carpet up the cathedral steps, passing under the pillared portico, handsome
in his uniform, his decorations glinting in the sunshine, his sword hanging
by his side.

The thought made her almost weak with joy. All her dreams had come
true. She was a beautiful princess who was marrying a handsome prince.
But far more importantly, she was in love, and beloved herself. She had
given her heart to her husband, and he had given his to her. Their marriage
would last forever; they would have lots of children and be happy ever after.
He would never leave her, never let her down. She had suffered much, but
from now on, everything was going to be perfect.
“Well?” Diana was staring at me from the opposite seat in the train
carriage, her thirteen-year-old face bright with expectation. “Sandy, don’t
you think that’s the most romantic ending ever?”

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