The Player (REDEEMING A BAD BOY #2) by Nicola Marsh EPUB & PDF

The Player (REDEEMING A BAD BOY #2) by Nicola Marsh EPUB & PDF

The Player (REDEEMING A BAD BOY #2) by Nicola Marsh EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Nicola Marsh
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.6 MB
  • Price: Free

If Liza had to attend one more freaking party, she’d go insane.
Her curves resisted the constriction of the shape wear, her feet
pinched from the requisite stilettos, and her face ached from the
perpetual fake smile.

The joys of being a WAG.
Technically, ex-WAG, and loving the ex bit.
The reported glamorous lives of sportsmen’s Wives And Girlfriends
were grossly exaggerated. She should know. She’d lived the lie for longer
than she cared to admit.

‘One more photo, Liza?’ A photographer yelled and she inwardly
That’s what they all said. Not that she had anything against the
paparazzi per se, but their idea of one last photo op usually conflicted with

Assuming her game face, the one she’d used to great effect over the
years, she glanced over her shoulder and smiled.
A plethora of flashes blinded her but her smile didn’t slip. She turned
slowly, giving them time to snap her side profile before she cocked a hip,
placed a hand on it, and revealed an expanse of leg guaranteed to land her
in the gossip columns tomorrow.

Hopefully for the last time. Being a WAG had suited her purposes but
she was done. Let some other poor sap take her place, primping for the
cameras, grinning inanely, starving herself so she wouldn’t be labelled
pregnant by the media.

With a final wave at the photographers she strutted into the function
room, pausing to grab a champagne from a passing waiter, before making a
beeline for her usual spot at any function: front and centre.
If this was her last hurrah, she was determined to go out in style.
She waited for the A-listers and hangers-on to flock, steeling her nerve
to face the inevitable inquisition: who was she dating, where was she
vacationing, when would she grant the tell-all the publishers had been
hounding her for?

Her answer to the last question hadn’t changed in twelve months:
‘When hell freezes over.’
It had been a year since international soccer sensation Henri Jaillet had
dumped her in spectacular orchestrated fashion, and three years since
basketball superstar Jimmy Ro had broken her heart.

The truth? She’d known Jimmy since high school and they were the
quintessential golden couple: king and queen of the graduation dance who
morphed into media darlings once he hit the big time. He’d launched her as
a WAG and she’d lapped it up, happy to accept endorsements of clothes,
shoes, and jewellery.

For Cindy.
Always for Cindy.
Everything she did was for her younger sister, which was why a tell-all
was not on the cards.

She’d grown apart from Jimmy and when reports of his philandering
continued to dog her, she’d quit the relationship because he wanted out.
The media had a field day, making her out to be a saint, a very patient
saint, and the jobs had flooded in. From modelling gigs to hosting charity
events, she became Melbourne’s latest ‘it’ girl.

And when her star had
waned, she’d agreed to be Henri’s arm candy for a specified time in
exchange for a cash sum that had paid Cindy’s carer bills for a year.
Being tagged a serial WAG had stung, as people who didn’t know her
labelled her money-hungry and a camera-whore.

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