The Only Budgeting Book You’ll Ever Need by Tere Stouffer EPUB & PDF

The Only Budgeting Book You’ll Ever Need by Tere Stouffer EPUB & PDF

The Only Budgeting Book You’ll Ever Need by Tere Stouffer EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Tere Stouffer
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Personal Money Management
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.9 MB
  • Price: Free

What Do You Need to Create
a Budget?
You might be tempted to answer this question with something
clever like “money.” But if you do that, you’re missing the point.
Creating a budget isn’t about having money; it’s about guring out
what you’ve got, what you’re spending it on, and how you can
realize your dreams.
In order to do this, you’ll need some basic tools.

A Computer
Of course, people made budgets in the days before computers, and
you can still make a perfectly good one, sitting at the kitchen table
with a pencil, a pad of paper, and a calculator. But why not do
things the easy way? If you have a good, working computer, put it
to work for you. Create a folder marked “Budget” (or something
similar) so you know where all your les are going to go. If you
have thoughts about your budget and about ways you can save
money or extra sources of income you forgot about, note them down
and toss them into the “Budget” folder. That way, they’ll all be
centralized, and you can get at them easily.

One note of caution here: you’re going to be putting down in
written form a lot of condential information—not your password
to your online banking account or something obvious such as that,
but certainly information about your nances that you might not
want other people to see. Make sure your computer’s security
systems are strong. If possible, create a password protection for your
“Budget” folder so only you (or anyone else you authorize) can get
into it. Remember, these are your dreams we’re talking about. You
don’t want anything to get in their way.

The Right Software
There are all kinds of nancial software programs out there, each
one claiming that it’s the only one you need. I won’t recommend any
one of them in particular, although if you decide to use one, get a
clear idea before you buy it of what it’s oering. After all, you’re
inaugurating an era of responsible spending, so you don’t want to
purchase something that isn’t exactly what you want or need.

On the other hand, you can bypass all those bright, shiny
programs and just do the work and construct the spreadsheets
yourself. It’s not hard—as you’ll see in the following pages—and if
you have a quality spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel,
you’ll be in good shape.

Spending and Income Records
One goal you’re going to accomplish as you go through this book is
keeping accurate and careful records of your expenses and income.
However, it’s possible that you’ve not been doing that up to now.
Assemble all your bills in one place, possibly in a folder or other
container so you won’t lose any of them. At your local oce supply
store, you can nd expanding accordion folders, each slot marked
with the name of the month. These are great for keeping bills, since
you can le them as they come in based on when they’re due.
In a separate folder or box, keep your pay stub records.

For More Read Download This Book



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