The Next Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine EPUB & PDF

The Next Mrs. Parrish (LAST MRS. PARRISH #2) by Liv Constantine EPUB & PDF

The Next Mrs. Parrish (LAST MRS. PARRISH #2) by Liv Constantine EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Liv Constantine
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Thriller / Suspense
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.3 MB
  • Price: Free

Amber Patterson Parrish hated visiting her husband at Camp Fed.
Jackson had been living at the correctional facility for the past
seven months. Fortunately for her, he didn’t expect her to stay
long, just long enough to give him the maximum allowable cash, thirty
dollars, and time to bitch to her about the conditions he was forced to
endure—the crap food, the flooding and ceiling leaks every time it rained,
and the unending noise boomeranging off metal and concrete inside the
grimy old building. Sometimes the visits went smoothly, other times the
guards did something to screw with you.

Last week, she’d been sent home. Told that her outfit was too revealing.
It was bullshit. She was proud of how great her toned abs and long legs
looked in her Alex Perry jumpsuit, but what did the guards know about
fashion? The only thing revealing about her outfit was what it brought out
in their character. One of the other inmates’ wives suggested Amber run
over to Walmart and get a sweater to wear on top. Please. At least it had
given her a chance to skip the visit that week. She despised sitting in the
overcrowded room with the masses; unkempt, rude women who elbowed
their way past her to grab seats first. The smells of cheap perfume and
sweat that made her want to hold her breath.

Everything about it was
disgusting—the long rows of hard plastic chairs bolted together, the cold
linoleum floor and stark white walls with prison regulations posted
everywhere, the random pat searches that weren’t at all random. She was
pretty sure Jackson hated the visits as much as she did because he couldn’t
stand for Amber to witness him being vulnerable—wearing orange instead
of his normal designer attire, at the mercy of the prison guards barking
orders at him.

He was no longer the all-powerful mogul, now just another
inmate, no more special than anyone else. Thankfully it was only a fortyfive-minute drive to Danbury, Connecticut, so she didn’t have to waste her
entire day.

Amber had worried at first that the scandal would make her persona non
grata in Bishops Harbor, but apparently tax evasion was a crime that didn’t
garner much antipathy among the one-percenters. They were likely
counting their blessings that they had avoided getting caught themselves.
Besides, anyone who knew Jackson knew that he’d soon be back on top and
didn’t want to risk alienating him by shunning his wife.

Thus, Amber was
still able to enjoy her days at the country club, her weekly tennis matches,
and a board position with the Bishops Harbor Historical Society.
Her days passed pleasantly enough, especially with no demanding
husband at home to please. There were a few, the old guard, who turned up

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