The Mistress Deal by Alison L Robson EPUB & PDF

The Mistress Deal by Alison L Robson EPUB & PDF

The Mistress Deal by Alison L Robson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Alison L Robson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I sat in the back of the taxi, enjoying a moment of having nothing to do
but wait, as it took me the fifteen-minute drive to my brother Liam’s
house. Normally I walked or rode my bike, but it was getting late and I
didn’t like walking in the dark alone. One of the pitfalls of being a woman.
The taxi pulled to a stop out the front and I made my way up the front
stairs, noticing it was unusually quiet. Liam always had the television going
with the volume turned up loud so he could hear it in any room of the

As I opened the door, letting myself in, I felt a wave of pure fear course
through my body and my breath caught in my throat. I could feel my heart
beating hard and fast, and my mind couldn’t seem to process what I was
seeing in front of me.

Liam was sitting on the lounge, his eyes wide and scared. Blood was
dripping from his nose and his shirt was ripped open. There were two tall,
muscled men dressed head to toe in black standing over him and there was
another man sitting casually in an armchair to his right. This man looked
even more frightening than the two larger thugs.

Even though the man in the armchair was sitting down, I could tell he
was well over six feet tall, with a strong, solid body and broad shoulders, all
wrapped up in an expensive dark grey suit. He had dark, wavy brown hair,
and dark, dark brown eyes, which looked surprised to see me, but it didn’t
lessen their nasty glint.

The devil in a Prada suit.
I realised with a shock that I recognised him. It was Liam’s boss.
Billionaire businessman, famous womaniser, Nathan Davenport.
“Well, well, Liam, who do we have here? I know it’s not your wife,” the
man in the armchair taunted. His voice was smooth and calm, which only
seemed to add to my fear.

One of the larger thugs grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside,
slamming the front door behind me. Every fibre in my body began to

“Don’t you dare touch her,” Liam bit out, the strength in his voice
surprising me. He went to stand up, but one of the men pushed him down,
hard. “Let her go, she has nothing to do with this.” Liam’s tone changed to
pleading and I could see nothing but defeat in his eyes.

“Liam, what… what’s going on?” I asked, my nerves making my voice
come out small and scared. I wasn’t a soft person normally and I hated the
fear that was consuming me, making me sound weak.

“It’s all right, Rosie,” said Liam. “This is my boss, Nathan Davenport.”
He looked at the man in the armchair, then up at the two other men. “And
these two are his hired henchmen.”

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