The Mist Thief by LJ Andrews EPUB & PDF

The Mist Thief (THE EVER SEAS #3) by LJ Andrews EPUB & PDF

The Mist Thief (THE EVER SEAS #3) by LJ Andrews EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: LJ Andrews
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 9.8 MB
  • Price: Free

The Mist Thief
Being on the losing side of a battle was shit.
Victors always chose the reparation prizes, and they were wretched, in
my limited experience. Prizes like unwitting brides to vicious princes with a
score to settle.

I blew out a long breath. Some of the elven plum wine I kept tipping
over my lips churned in my belly. One palm braced against a stone wall, I
waited for it to settle before continuing down the dark, cobbled path. With
the moon half-hidden by soupy clouds, now was my only chance at

When fae armies attacked the isle of the shadow elven—my folk—
there’d been no choice but to raise a blade. Now, my life had been
purchased for glory and a bit of petty revenge.
By tomorrow’s sunset, I would have a husband.

I was already drunk enough that the thought now brought out
despondent chuckles more than hidden tears in the night.
What a tale I would recite to the littles someday—for there was no
doubt heirs would be part of this damning alliance—bright-eyed young
ones looking up at me as I told them the romantic tale of the day their father
came for me.

Maj, tell me your love story.
Ah, little one, let me tell you how your father whisked me away into the
sunset, complete with shackles and promises of blissful hate for the rest of
our days.

I snorted and took another foolish sip of wine before tossing the small
vial into the dark leaves of a briar shrub, then pulled the woolen hood over
the starlight silver of my braids.

My future husband was taking me as a wife for no reason save my
former betrothed was the prince of the Ljosalfar, the light elven clan. Prince
Arion was the one who raised battle against the sea fae—allies to my future

All I could puzzle through was since Arion fled after the battles, it
meant I became the next best target for enemies to exact revenge.
Heated frustration boiled in my veins. I nearly stumbled when I tried to
kick at a pebble in the soil, wine still heady in my skull.
My crimes in all this were being wholly naive and not seeing Arion’s
moves before he made them. But I was dangerous in my own right.
Arion desired me as his wife for the same reasons as the fae—to use the
darkness in my blood as his blade. Doubtless, my future husband would
claim my affinity for himself after he’d broken me.

My affinity—the magic the gods saw fit to curse me with—was too
unstable, too treacherous, to be left untethered. But to bind me through
vows would create an unbreakable bond with my new kin.
There was a long-standing belief in our lore that elven could not bring
harm to their kin without marking their souls in darkness.
I wasn’t certain I believed it anymore. Seemed like there was plenty of
kin-harming going around as of late.

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