The Misfit Mage and His Darling Demon (DIABOLIC ROMANCE #2) by MN Bennet EPUB & PDF

The Misfit Mage and His Darling Demon (DIABOLIC ROMANCE #2) by MN Bennet EPUB & PDF

The Misfit Mage and His Darling Demon (DIABOLIC ROMANCE #2) by MN Bennet EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: MN Bennet
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.3 MB
  • Price: Free

My entire body trembled in Bez’s grasp, his chest pressed against mine, a
hand firmly planted between my shoulder blades keeping me in place while
his other hand rested delicately at the small of my back. I kept my thighs
tightly wrapped around Bez’s waist, my hands hooked at the joints of his
wings. Even with my eyes squeezed shut, I could feel his smirk. It caused a
tug in my own trembling cheeks.

Our minds, bodies, and emotions were very much our own, yet
something primal coursed through us. The Diabolic essence he’d shared
with me created this synchronized spark.
That said, whatever joy he had in this moment didn’t pass to me. I
gritted my teeth, annoyed and uncomfortable. He moved too quickly, too
aggressively—I could barely catch my breath.
“Bez…” I gasped. “You need to slow down.”
“Relax. I’m almost there.” Bez slid his hand further down, then gripped
my butt.

“Don’t you dare get any ideas.”
“What? I’ve always wanted to join the mile high club.”
Bez flapped his wings rapidly. I opened my eyes, squinting from the
furious wind carried between the two of us in the night sky as he soared
faster, which helped add to the scowl I gave.
“Fine.” He huffed. “Just want to get a firm grip on—what is it you
mortals call it, a slice of pie?”

“The expression is cake,” I said, feigning frustration because his touch
did excite me. “You know this.”
He’d referred to my ass as cake multiple times. Attempting to introduce
Bez to social media in an effort to catch him up with the millions of things
he’d missed out on when trapped inside the orb was a huge mistake on my

“Ah, yes. Cake.” His red eyes glimmered. “Such a lovely cake you’ve
got. I must ensure my dessert is properly secured.”
With that, Bez took a sharp turn, zigging and zagging through the sky.
The jostle churned my stomach a hundred different ways as he seemed to
follow the street patterns below—completely unnecessary considering we
flew high above even the tallest Chicago buildings.

“Here.” Bez descended.
I craned my neck, taking in the bright city lights so luminescent it was
as if night couldn’t pierce the busy streets. High beams from oncoming
traffic caused a glare in my glasses, and the sound of every car raddled in
my head, a nauseating cacophony of blasting music, honking horns, and
accelerating mufflers.

Bez hovered above, outpacing the flow of traffic on the highway leading
deeper into the city. He hated noisy cities—even when dimming his senses,
any venue with too many people made him irritable. Yet, the second he got
home today, he demanded we leave the house for some impromptu outing
to Chicago. If I’d known he was going to fly me all the way there, I
would’ve protested harder.

Bez landed in an alleyway downtown. My legs wobbled as he released
me, so I kept my hands on his shoulders until I found my bearings. He
didn’t allow me a chance to rest or catch my breath, though, pulling me out
onto a less crowded street near some secluded restaurant.

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