The Marriage Auction 2, Part 4 by Audrey Carlan EPUB & PDF

The Marriage Auction 2, Part 4 by Audrey Carlan EPUB & PDF

The Marriage Auction 2, Part 4 by Audrey Carlan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Audrey Carlan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5 MB
  • Price: Free

Episode 87
Sink or Swim
“This is a bad idea,” I mumbled while frantically pacing back and forth
across Memphis’ small living room.
“How so?” Memphis asked and plopped his large frame on the couch.
His lips twitched as he covered a chuckle behind his hand, clearly enjoying
my nervousness.

I gritted my teeth and inhaled sharply through my nose. “Because I’m
going to screw it up.”
“Baby, it’s shopping with my family,” he answered with humor in his
tone, proving he thought I was being ridiculous.
My entire body trembled with anxiety as I waited to be picked up by a
member of the female Taylor clan. And Memphis didn’t understand. How
could he? Simply put, Memphis was a guy.

The first time a woman spent time with her soon to be mother-in-law
and sisters-in-law alone shouldn’t be picking out her wedding dress. Did
women even go with their in-laws to do such a thing? I had planned on
going with my mother, but of course, the dinner from hell and Lucifer
himself ruined that plan entirely. Then, when Robin Taylor overheard me
telling Memphis I would be busy shopping for a dress today, she not only
invited herself, she invited her daughters too. Claimed we’d make a girls’
day of it.

So I paced, trying desperately to get the gnawing fear of letting my new
family down out of my system. I don’t have a sister to fall back on, nor a
best friend to call and hash out every minute detail of what was to happen
before these women arrived. I don’t even have any real female friends that
aren’t employees of my company or jewelers I work with. It certainly made
me realize how out of touch I’d become in my workaholic lifestyle.

Basically, I was on my own.
Sink or swim.
Memphis stood up and caught me mid-pace, tugging me against his

“Hey there,” he whispered while cupping my neck. “My mother and
sisters already like you. They are excited about being involved in our
wedding. You’re going to have a blast with them today. I promise you.”
I slumped against him and rested my cheek on his chest. “You think

He held me close. “Baby, I know so. Now you have got to relax.
Besides, you’ll finally meet Sydney. And she’s already a fan of yours.”
“The model. The second oldest. The one you are the closest to. That
Syd?” I frowned as the nerves swallowed me whole.

Memphis chuckled and rubbed my back. “Yeah, that Syd. She’s also the
most down-to-earth person you’ll ever meet. Plus, she lives in New York.
That means, when we set up shop in NYC, she’ll be there to help me get
adjusted. I actually have some great news about that…” he hedged, leaving
that juicy morsel dangling.

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