The Marriage Auction 2, Part 2 by Audrey Carlan EPUB & PDF

The Marriage Auction 2, Part 2 by Audrey Carlan EPUB & PDF

The Marriage Auction 2, Part 2 by Audrey Carlan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Audrey Carlan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Episode 31
The Heart of the Issue
Something icy cold slid across the surface of my bare abdomen waking
me from a dead sleep. I snapped one eye open to assess where I was. White
walls with unfamiliar artwork greeted me. The hotel room was chilly as shit
because during our sex marathon, Naomi asked me to hike up the air

However, at this moment, I was toasty warm all over, but
especially down my right side where Naomi had curled her beautiful body. I
glanced down and realized it was her hand that chilled my stomach. I put
my hand over hers to warm the top as I took in my fiancée. Little puffs of
air left her mouth and teased against my chest as she slept. I didn’t have
chest hair because I waxed regularly, preferring smooth skin, which made it
easier to see how my muscles flexed and moved when I worked out. It
helped keep my focus on the particular muscles I wanted to manipulate
during my workouts.

Her face was peaceful and angelic. She had perfectly arched black
eyebrows that matched her hair. A long, slim nose that turned up just a tad
at the tip. Her lips were just the right amount of plump for kissing, nipping,
and biting. Her face was oval shaped, her cheeks high and rounded,
complimenting her deep-set eyes.

Tiny baby hairs curled around the edge of
her hairline and stuck up in every direction, making this normally puttogether goddess even more adorable.
I was about to lean down and kiss her awake, and maybe continue our
marathon for another day when a buzzing sound interrupted me. I glanced
over at the end table where we’d set our phones to charge. Hers was
ringing. She didn’t so much as stir at the sound. My woman was wiped out.
I grinned, proud that I was the reason she was so exhausted. I rose onto an
elbow, and Naomi slid off my chest, mumbling something incoherent before
cuddling back up to my side, still fast asleep.

I grabbed the phone and read the display: “The King.”
The fuck.
Who could possibly be listed as The King in her phone? Instantly I
thought back to when we’d met at the bar. She’d just been shafted by some
loser who’d used her to get into her pants. Irritation clouded my exhausted
brain, and my protective side came roaring to the surface.

I clicked the answer button and barked, “Hello.”
“I’m sorry. I must have accidentally dialed the wrong number,” a
cultured male voice responded.
“You lookin’ for Naomi?” I asked, adding a hint of authority to my

“I am. And who, may I ask, is this?” The caller’s snooty tone a poor
attempt to express a sense of superiority.
Looked like this “King” was about to get a lesson in exactly who I was
to this woman.
“Memphis Taylor. Her fiancé.” I added the last bit to clarify my
position in her life.

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