The Magpies by Mark Edwards EPUB & PDF

The Magpies by Mark Edwards EPUB & PDF

The Magpies by Mark Edwards EPUB & PDF – Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Mark Edwards
  • Genre: Psychological Fiction, Psychological Thrillers
  • Publish Date: 19 September 2013
  • Size: 1.3 MB
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Avail for Download
  • Price: Free

‘It’s going to be the hottest flatwarming party of all time,’
Jamie enthused. ‘I think we should make it a fancy dress party.’
‘Excellent idea,’ said Kirsty. ‘With a theme?’
‘No. No theme. Freestyle fancy dress – come as whoever
or whatever you like.’

He fell with her onto the bed in the soon-to-be-vacated
bedroom in the house she shared with three other nurses and
buried his face in her soft hair. He kissed her neck and
breathed in her scent – a cocktail of skin and apricot shampoo
and the perfume she applied every morning. Walking into her
bedroom, where her fragrance hung constantly in the air,
always made him feel happy and loved and sexy.

And soon
they would be living together. They would be sharing a
bedroom and he would live with her fragrance – as part of the
background of his life – every day. Breath and hair and skin
and sweat and all the atoms and particles shed by their bodies
day after day – these things would merge to create an
atmosphere that was not solely of Jamie or Kirsty, but of them.

‘What will you dress up as?’ she asked as he unbuttoned
his shirt and tossed it behind him so it landed among the stacks
of cardboard boxes and packing crates that covered the floor:
books and clothes and handed-down kitchen utensils crammed
together in a haphazard jumble that Kirsty described as her
‘system’. Old CDs and framed prints and her childhood
collection of wooden elephants. Her whole life, packed up and
ready to go.

Jamie adopted what he thought was a wicked grin, snaking
his hand around her back and pulling her against his bare
torso. She kissed his chest and looked up at him with her big
brown eyes.

‘What will I go as?’ he asked. ‘How about the devil?’
The flat was perfect. From the moment they stepped into
the living room and saw the way the light flooded in through
the bay windows, they both knew it. Kirsty put her arm around
Jamie’s waist and as the estate agent took a call on his mobile,
facing into the kitchen behind them, they exchanged a look,
excited but fearful.

They didn’t even really need to see the
main bedroom – although that too was exactly what they’d
hoped for – or the spare room or the small, functional kitchen
or bathroom. The walls of this place had spoken to them. They
both believed they had heard it say their names. Jamie pictured
himself collapsed on a comfortable sofa with the TV flickering
in the corner, Kirsty in paint-splattered jeans, decorating these
walls with a thick brush. Recently, he’d started to picture her
with a baby bump. It was like watching an advert of their
future life.

The slightly-warped floorboards. The pipes that shuddered
when you turned the taps on. The cracks in the window
frames. Even the blossom of damp in the bathroom. All of
these things contained a kind of charm that was absent in the
new-build properties they had seen – places that were sterile
and lacking in history. The flat felt warm, a place with a past,
with rooms that had housed generations, breathed with life. As
they had crossed the threshold, the estate agent had said,
‘Mind the step’, but Jamie had already negotiated it. His feet
knew instinctively where to tread.
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