The Lover by Rebecca Sacks EPUB & PDF

The Lover by Rebecca Sacks EPUB & PDF

The Lover by Rebecca Sacks EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Rebecca Sacks
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Psychological Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

It was a small box.
Each time I take a break from marking exams, I go tidy a bit more in the
guest bedroom we’re turning into a nursery. I was on my hands and knees
cleaning the last of the junk out from under the daybed—soon to be
replaced with a crib from my in-laws—when I saw it. A small box in the
dusty dark.

My first reaction was to pretend I had not seen it, which is an odd way to
respond to a box under a couch. But that’s what I did. I stood up and
puttered off to the closet, suddenly determined to sort through the various
sweaters that my husband and I have accumulated over the years. Some
we’ll store; others we’ll donate.

Winter mornings in Tel Aviv have a pervasive chilliness. I wear fuzzy
socks with sticky soles that prevent me from sliding around our condo too
haphazardly. Funny how none of the buildings here have much insulation.
It’s as if winter were a surprise each year, as if next year might really be one
endless spring. Call it Israeli optimism. “But you’re Canadian!” people
exclaim when I complain about the cold. My husband and I laugh about
this: how people seem to think I can grow a fur pelt.

I’d thought I was going through the sweaters in the closet—I mean, I was. I
was going through them, beginning to make piles of “yes,” “no,” and
“maybe,” but somehow I found myself on my hands and knees again,
squinting at the box under the daybed. The box was like a sizable sewing kit
—pale wood, metal latch. I strained for it. But no matter how hard I tried,
my fingers barely grazed the latch. Out of my reach with this belly.
In my tummy, baby shifted. His hearing is starting to develop, and I’m
gassy all the time. Technically, we’re keeping the gender a surprise—“You
mean the sex, not the gender,” my sister would correct me—but in my heart
I know it’s a boy. My mother-in-law thinks so too, because, she says, a
mother looks beautiful when carrying a boy; it’s a girl that steals all the
beauty from you. Baby boy kicks when I laugh and wiggles when I shower.
According to his due date, he’ll be a Taurus—a creature of comfort, at
home in the world.

Instead of leaving well enough alone, I took a broom from the hallway
closet and used it to pull the box closer to me. It came out clotted with dust
and what looked like dog hair, although we don’t have a dog. As soon as it
was in my hands I knew what it was. Who it was from.

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