The Love Development by Nicki Bell EPUB & PDF

The Love Development by Nicki Bell EPUB & PDF

The Love Development by Nicki Bell EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Nicki Bell
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

My vegan patent leather boots soared over the edge of my ex’s rooftop
terrace. Could a person be impaled by a high heel from six floors up?
I broke up with Denzel five minutes ago and hoped we could end on
good terms. So naïve of you, Scarlett.
Instead of having an adult conversation, he bundled up what I’d left
here and threw it down to his neighbor’s patio to elicit a reaction. Proof that
he never knew me at all.

“Why aren’t you stopping me?” he taunted, like a five-year-old in
kindergarten and not a six-foot-four professional basketball player about to
turn thirty. The beaming sun overhead gave his dark umber skin a bluish

“Because you’re being childish.”
I won’t lose my dignity playing tug-of-war over a Hermès scarf. Also,
why would I risk falling to my death when I could go downstairs and knock
on Mr. Anderson’s door to retrieve everything? The ninety-year-old former
stockbroker used to give me advice on up-and-coming shares in the elevator
and always kept a box of Milk Duds in his pocket. I considered him the
grandfather I’d always wanted.

But what I wanted right now was to make sure my ex wouldn’t end up
on the Midtown sidewalk, and I wouldn’t end up on the evening news as a
murder suspect.

“Admit you promised we’d have kids, and I’ll stop, Scar,” he whined,
beads of sweat forming on his top lip. “You led me on.”
“You knew my stance on kids when we met.” I could protect a child by
not having any. “And I’m not the bad guy from The Lion King. My name is

His biceps bulged like overripe cantaloupes tucked under his skin as he
flexed his arm. “What about the Dior bag? I know you’ll care if I throw

“No, I won’t, because I told you not to buy it.”
Strolling down Fifth Avenue four days ago, we’d argued about what we
wanted for the future. I felt happy with us. He’d tried to convince me we
needed more.

I glanced at the bag in the window, looking for a distraction. Despite
numerous objections on my part, Denzel bought it while I lingered outside.
It represented nothing more than an expensive bribe. That’s when I knew
we were coming to an end.

The fate of the cream bag mirrored that of my boots, echoing the
emptiness of our relationship as it landed with a hollow thud. “I don’t get
you—any other girl would be crying right now.”

“I don’t cry.” I focused on a chipped aqua fingernail that needed to be
remedied ASAP. “But I do need to go. Viv’s waiting downstairs for me, and
I have an open house to get to.”

A handful of pastel camisoles floated from the balcony like butterflies
being set free from a cage. “This is what I’m talking about—you’ve always
cared more about work and making partner than what I want.”

“Making partner will change my life in the way that I want. What you
want me to do would ruin it. Trust me, I’m doing you a favor,” I said,
moving back from the door and into the living room so I could grab my

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