The Lighthouse on Blueberry Bay (BLUEBERRY BAY #3) by Ellen Joy EPUB & PDF

The Lighthouse on Blueberry Bay (BLUEBERRY BAY #3) by Ellen Joy EPUB & PDF

The Lighthouse on Blueberry Bay (BLUEBERRY BAY #3) by Ellen Joy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ellen Joy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Muriel stood in front of the bathroom mirror of Le Manor’s ladies’
room. Today marked her and Zack’s five-year anniversary and
her twenty-fifth birthday. All the signs had been aligned for that
exact moment—the flowers, her favorite restaurant, and his nervous
behavior. Not to mention the call from the jewelry store he had declined
while they were hanging out.

Muriel had been waiting for this moment, this exact moment, ever since
she got her first Ken doll at Christmas back at age six. She was certain Zack
was going to propose, and she’d done everything to be picture ready.
She had bought a brand-new dress with her bonus check that her meager
teacher salary could not afford, but Zack’s soon-to-be-an-associate-at-thelaw-firm salary would. She’d gone to the nail salon and gotten both a pedi
and a mani. She’d gotten a blowout, but then decided to tame it down
before leaving with Zack. She’d “happened” upon a bottle of champagne
and had it chilling in the fridge. She had candles set all around Zack’s

This had to be the night.
Zack would propose on her twenty-fifth birthday. He knew she’d
wanted to get engaged by now. Initially, he had wanted them to finish
college. Then, he’d wanted to go to law school, which she had supported
despite not really understanding why she had to wait to get engaged. But
here they were now, three years later, one law degree in, and on their fifth
anniversary, her twenty-fifth birthday. Everything in her life was aligning at
that exact moment.

She’d rather have Paris, but hey, they should start saving for a house.
She pulled out her phone and focused the camera on the mirror. She
would memorialize this moment. The last time she was unengaged. It would
be the picture she’d show her daughters.

How would they tell their parents?
She applied the perfect amount of rouge lipstick and brushed out her
hair with a small traveling comb she carried in her purse. With one last look
in the mirror, she left the bathroom and walked back to their table.
Though she expected to see champagne, she saw Zack placing a key on
her plate. Not a pretty gold key with a satin ribbon on it or a fancy emblem
like a sports car’s key, but a discolored brass key she was certain was dirty.
She sat down, her heart slowing. “What’s this?”
Her mouth dried and the sting of disappointment hit her. He wasn’t

“It’s a key to my apartment,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I thought
we could move in together this summer.”
“You want to move in together?” she asked, removing her hand and
picking up the key. “Oh.”

“Oh?” His eyebrows burrowed together as though he were confused. “I
thought that’s what we talked about, for when I graduated and landed the
job at the firm.”

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