The Lady’s Battle by Anne R Bailey EPUB & PDF

The Lady’s Battle (LADIES OF VALOR #2) by Anne R Bailey EPUB & PDF

The Lady’s Battle (LADIES OF VALOR #2) by Anne R Bailey EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Anne R Bailey
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7.7 MB
  • Price: Free

The two knights thundered towards each other, their polished armor
flashing silver in the sunlight. They lowered their lances and time
stopped; Eleanor held her breath.

As they met, the sounds of splintering wood and a horse’s alarmed
whinny filled the air. One horse reared. The knight on its back slid from the
saddle and fell to the ground with a thud. The crowd roared its approval.
But Eleanor’s heart hammered in her chest as her gaze fixed itself upon
the fallen knight. He did not move. Would this be the first casualty of the

Jousting was a dangerous business. Accidents happened all too
frequently, even though the aim was merely for men to show off their
prowess, not to kill each other. Amidst the panic, the other knight, dropped
his lance and reached over the divide to grab the panicked horse’s reins. He
guided both horses out of the way of the fallen man. Now there would be no
danger of him being crushed by a stray hoof.

Eleanor stood with the rest of the watching crowd to applaud as the
victor turned to face them. But rather than ride towards the raised pavilion,
where she waited to award the prize, he rode back to his opponent and slide
from his horse — a challenge for anyone in such heavy armor. The crowd
murmured as he removed his helmet and kneeled by the fallen man’s side.

When the victorious knight helped his opponent to his feet, cheers rang
around the tiltyard at such a show of chivalry and humbleness.
At last, he turned towards her. Her heart raced at his broad smile and
shining blue eyes.

Her husband, Edward, Prince of England, came forward and bowed to
her. He’d faced all challengers and won. A thrill coursed through her at the
knowledge he was hers and she was his.

As she crowned him with a coronet of braided ivy, her eyes never left
his. All she wanted was to slink away with him and spend the day in his
arms. From the heat in his eyes, she could tell his thoughts weren’t far from
her own.

But, alas, it could not be so. Before they could think of their desires,
they had to think of their duty. Edward turned to the crowd and waved,
which only intensified their cheering.
As he walked off the tournament field, followed by his eager squires,
she noted how he favored his left leg. He’d been hurt. Her throat clenched
with that familiar worry for her husband.

Forcing her attention back to the crowd and the other knights, she went
through the motions of handing out the rest of the prizes, and then invited
the jugglers and acrobats onto the field to entertain the spectators.
By the time she retired within the castle walls, the sun was high
overhead and the heat had become unbearable.

Glad to be inside, Eleanor ordered the servants to prepare a bath for her
husband and selected fresh clothes for him. As she was inspecting his
bedchamber, his steward, Robert Leyburn, came in and bowed low. He
looked anxious, and she motioned him over.

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