The Keeper by Aimee Nicole Walker EPUB & PDF

The Keeper (REDEMPTION RIDGE #5) by Aimee Nicole Walker EPUB & PDF

The Keeper (REDEMPTION RIDGE #5) by Aimee Nicole Walker EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Aimee Nicole Walker
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.4 MB
  • Price: Free

“You’re doing it again,” Rueben admonished softly.
“Sorry.” Keegan stilled and exhaled a heavy sigh. “I’m just so nervous.”
Rueben kept his gaze on the magazine. He’d been staring at the same
page for the past fifteen minutes but hadn’t read a single word. Keegan
wasn’t the only Nervous Nelly in the waiting room at the prosecutor’s
office. Rueben just didn’t want to untangle his emotions until he was alone
in his cabin. “I’ve never seen anyone’s legs bounce like that.”
“It’s been nine months since the arrests,” Keegan said. “Why call us in
for a meeting now?”

“Your knees started out like twin kangaroos hopping in tandem but
somehow got out of rhythm. Your right leg bounced higher and faster than
the left. How’s that even possible?”
Keegan released a cute little growl of frustration. “Are you listening to a
single word I’ve said?”

Rueben lowered the magazine and turned to face his friend. The hazel
eyes snapping with irritation were much preferred to the lifeless gaze
Keegan wore nine months ago. Full, rosy cheeks filled out his previously
gaunt face, and cinnamon freckles dusted sun-kissed skin that had once
been sickly pale.

The walking dead looked more alive than Keegan had
when he first stepped onto the ranch. But Keegan’s biggest transformations
occurred under the skin and weren’t visible to the naked eye. He’d
dedicated himself to his recovery from the nightmares he’d endured during
conversion therapy on the Salvation Anew compound, and Rueben didn’t
want Keegan to wade back into unnecessary weeds by obsessing over
things he couldn’t control, such as prosecuting the people who’d committed
the crimes against him. “Seriously, man. Were your knees racing or

Keegan’s mouth parted on a gasp. “That’s what you’re worried about?”
“Well, no,” Rueben said. “I have bigger things on my mind.” Keegan
wasn’t the only one who wanted Mick and Quinton Carson to stand trial
sooner rather than later. Rueben had serious skin in the game too. He
quickly diverted his thoughts away from who he wanted to rub said flesh
against because the typical reaction wouldn’t be welcome in public. He
turned his magazine to face Keegan and pointed to a handsome guy with
similar color hair and fade style. “Do you think I’d look good with those
highlights? I’m kind of in a rut and could use a refresh.”

Keegan stared at him for several moments, his lips parted in disbelief,
before he snapped his mouth shut and shook his head. “I know what you’re

Rueben smiled and waggled his brows. “And is it working?”
Keegan heaved an exasperated sigh. “Yes. I’ll direct my questions to
Prosecutor Lyndhurst instead of internalizing my worries and feeding my
anxiety monster.”

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