The Invitation by Vi Keeland EPUB & PDF

The Invitation by Vi Keeland EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Vi Keeland
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.6 MB
  • Price: Free

“I can’t do this…” I stopped halfway up the marble staircase.
Fisher paused a few steps ahead of me. He walked back down to where I
stood. “Sure you can. Remember the time we were in sixth grade and you
had to make that presentation about your favorite president? You were a
nervous wreck. You thought you were going to forget everything you’d
memorized and be standing there with everyone staring at you.”

“Yes, what about it?”
“Well, this is no different. You got through that, didn’t you?”
Fisher had lost his mind. “My fears all came true that day. I got up in
front of the blackboard and started to sweat. I couldn’t remember a single
word I’d written. Everyone in the class stared, and then you heckled me.”
Fisher nodded. “Exactly. Your worst fear came true, and yet you lived to
see another day. In fact, that day turned out to be the best day of your life.”
I shook my head, bewildered. “How so?”

“That was the first time we’d ever been in the same class. I thought you
were just another annoying girl like the rest of them. But after school that
day, you ripped into me for teasing you while you were trying to do your
presentation. That made me realize you weren’t like the other girls. And that
very day I decided we were going to be best friends.”

I shook my head. “I didn’t speak to you for the rest of the school year.”
Fisher shrugged. “Yeah, but I won you over the next year, didn’t I? And
right now you feel a little calmer than you did two minutes ago, don’t you?”
I sighed. “I guess I do.”

He held out his tuxedo-clad elbow. “Shall we go in?”
I swallowed. As terrified as I was of what we were about to do, I also
couldn’t wait to see what the inside of the library looked like all done up for
a wedding. I’d spent countless hours sitting on these steps, wondering about
the people walking by.

Fisher waited patiently with his elbow out while I debated another
minute. Finally, with another loud sigh, I took his arm. “If we wind up in
jail, you’re going to have to come up with the bail money for both of us.
I’m way too broke.”

He flashed his movie-star smile. “Deal.”
As we climbed the remaining steps to the doors of the New York Public
Library, I went over all of the details we’d discussed in the Uber on the way
here. Our names for the evening were Evelyn Whitley and Maximilian
Reynard. Max was in real estate—his family owned Reynard Properties—
and I’d gotten my MBA at Wharton and recently moved back to the City.

We both lived on the Upper East Side—at least that part was true.
Two uniformed waiters wearing white gloves stood at the towering
entrance doors. One held a tray of champagne flutes, and the other a
clipboard. Though my legs somehow kept going, my heart felt like it was
trying to escape from my chest and take off in the opposite direction.
“Good evening.” The waiter with the clipboard nodded. “May I have
your names, please?”

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