The Infinity Between Us by N.S. Perkins EPUB & PDF

The Infinity Between Us by N.S. Perkins EPUB & PDF

The Infinity Between Us by N.S. Perkins EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: N.S. Perkins
  • Language: English
  • Genre: New Adult & College Romance 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I’m tired.
I got into my car and started driving right after the end of my last exam,
not even taking the time to go back home and pack dinner. The six-hour drive
took its toll on me, especially since I didn’t stop along the way. No need to
prolong the inevitable. This needed to be done, however much I didn’t want
to, so the sooner, the better. Besides, it’s not like I had anyone waiting for me
at home.

The small Maine streets are so dark, I need to drive slower than a snail if I
don’t want to run into something—or someone. It’s probably better that it’s
so dark, though. I don’t need to see the details of this place. Just a few
minutes ago, I came across the exit I used to take with my mom when we
went shopping during the summer, and acid crept up my throat. I had to take
a few deep breaths to force myself to keep going.
My hands start to shake when my GPS tells me I’m two minutes away
from the beach house.

Calm down, Violet. You’ll be fine.
It won’t last long. Kind of like a wisdom teeth removal. You know it’s
going to be shitty, but once it’s over, you’re glad it’s done.
Just as I’m about to turn the music up to help me calm down, my phone
rings, Dad written across the screen. I press the accept button.
“Yes, I’m fine, and no, I didn’t fall asleep while driving or get attacked
by a wild bear or pick up some hitchhiker,” I say, fighting hard to keep the
tremble out of my voice.

Dad laughs. “Good. Where are you now?”
“Almost there.”

After a few seconds of silence, he asks, “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” I answer right away. Truth is, I don’t know whether I am or not,
but the last thing I want is for my dad to get worried and decide to get in his
car and drive here in the middle of the night to make sure I’m fine.
“Okay.” A pause, then, “But if that changes, promise you’ll call me.”
As I put on my blinker to turn onto the street I used to know like the back
of my hand, I say, “Promise. I made an appointment to meet with the
contractor tomorrow, so the deal should be closed in less than a week.”
“Great. Thanks again for doing this.” It’s almost imperceptible, but his
voice is lower than before. Gruffer.

“Of course. I’ll be back in Syracuse in no time.”
My GPS’s voice is loud when it says, “You’ve arrived at your

Chills run down my spine, and I have to clench my teeth before turning
into the driveway of a house I haven’t seen in what feels like forever. I keep
my eyes on the flower beds, not ready to take the place in yet, but when I
notice everything is dead, a heavy feeling settles into my stomach.
Five years later, and I still can’t think of death without feeling like I’m

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