The Impending Night by Jon Monson EPUB & PDF

The Impending Night by Jon Monson EPUB & PDF

The Impending Night by Jon Monson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Jon Monson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Coming of Age Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

arrick rifled through a shelf of cheap, dust-covered bottles, Bsquinting in
the low light of his dying lantern. The cool air of the cellar felt good in his
lungs, especially compared to the hot summer he was forced to battle above
ground. Taking a deep breath, he focused his eyes back on his search.
“Oi, Worm!” a voice bellowed from upstairs. “Hurry up down there.”
“I’m comin’, quit yer whinin’,” Barrick shouted back, his eyes scanning the

It wasn’t a particularly large storage room, especially when compared to the
wine cellars of his late father’s estate. Yet, what it lacked in size, it more
than compensated for with cluttered shelves and cheap spirits. How was it
possible for an entire case of wine to go missing in such a small space?
“If yer not up here in ten seconds…” the voice again shouted, trailing off
and leaving the consequences of tardiness up to Barrick’s imagination.
“Stones,” Barrick cursed before grabbing a dusty bottle and wiping it off
with a cloth. It was a cheap red from the southern foothills of Albona—
terrible stuff that he’d feel sorry giving to a dog, but it was probably among
the finest in the entire cellar.

Grabbing the lantern, Barrick headed for the sagging wood stairs that would
take him back into the dusty heat currently suffocating Naerd, the industrial
and—less importantly—political capital of Naerdon. With a glare at the
rotting wood, Barrick lurched to the landing at the top and steeled himself
for the wave of hot air as he pushed open the trap door leading outside.
“I thought Naerdon was supposed to be some sort of freezin’
tundra,” Barrick said as he emerged behind the bar of the seediest tavern he
could imagine.

“Oh, just wait ‘til winter,” a large man in a dirty apron responded, grabbing
the dusty bottle from Barrick’s grasp. “Yeh’ll get so much rain and snow
that you’ll look back on the dog days of summer like she was a beautiful
“Is there any good time to be here, Galo?” Barrick asked, grabbing a rag to
wipe down the bar.

“Not really,” Galo said, dressed in his worn brown shirt and pants topped
with a dirty apron. He looked at the wine, inspecting the bottle. “Hey, this
isn’t what I asked for.”
“Well, I couldn’t find the good stuff,” Barrick grunted back, mimicking the
Naerdic bartender’s gruff mannerisms. He tried to not lace his words with
too much sarcasm. The “good stuff” Galo had requested was barely worth
more than the bottles used to hold it.
“Yeh must be bloody blind as a bat,” Galo shouted as he grabbed the lantern
to head down into the cellar to look for himself.

With a sigh, Barrick kept wiping at the filthy bar, despite the fact that his
rag wasn’t clean enough to do much good. As the sweat beaded on his
forehead, his thoughts turned to an image of Aydiin and Byanca likely
trudging through the rain of a Genodran winter on the far side of the world,
and he suddenly found himself grateful to be in Naerdon. He just hoped he
could wrap things up before winter hit.

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