The Hollow Dead by Darcy Coates EPUB & PDF

The Hollow Dead by Darcy Coates EPUB & PDF

The Hollow Dead by Darcy Coates EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Darcy Coates
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Occult Suspense
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“IT’S TIME FOR WAR,” Zoe said.
Keira sat in the corner of Blighty’s cosy café, sinking into a plush highback chair as she hugged a mug of hot chocolate. She didn’t feel very

Zoe was in the zone, however. She’d tied a bandanna around her neck
and spread her binders of conspiracies out over the rough-hewn table.
Mason, wedged between the two women, was trying to defend his small
slice of tabletop from the overflowing piles of notes.
“Your binders get fuller every day,” Mason said, trying to nudge blurry
photos of pigeons away from his drink.

“Small details can still be important, even if it’s not immediately
obvious how.” Zoe flipped through a folder, scattering diagrams and photos
with each reckless page turn. “We’re creating a tapestry here. Everything is

Mason wordlessly held up a sticky note from the pile. It read: Bigfoot??
Bigfoot’s GHOST???
Zoe snatched the note back. “Tapestry, Mason. Focus on the tapestry.”
Keira chuckled, but she still felt a small ache on the inside.
It had been three weeks since Keira had discovered Artec and its
cemetery. That was three weeks with very little progress made on what had
turned into the biggest problem of her life. And that was saying something,
considering how many catastrophes she was juggling.

Keira had arrived at Blighty with no memories except for her name and
no possessions except for a small amount of money and an old photograph.
Her earliest memory was of being chased by masked men with guns and
dogs. She didn’t know who they were, but they’d made one thing clear:
they wanted to kill her. She’d taken refuge in a cemetery. And that was how
she’d discovered an unexpected gift of a second sight that allowed her to
sense and see the dead.

She’d spent the following weeks hiding in the groundskeeper’s cottage
behind the graveyard, helping to clear some of the spirits that had become
trapped there, while also becoming friends with two residents from the
nearby town, Zoe and Mason. Together, they’d been attempting to piece
together Keira’s unknown past—with very little progress.

Then they’d had a breakthrough that allowed Keira to put a name to the
group she’d always thought of as the organisation. Artec. A seemingly
innocuous company that owned a graveyard just a few hours from her
current home.

She’d been to the cemetery, though. And it was anything but benign.
And she’d understood why Artec was so intent on hunting her: Because
she was the only one who could see what they were doing. And she was the
only one who could stop them.

Weeks had passed since then. It wasn’t that she’d achieved nothing.
She’d made good progress with the ghosts in Blighty’s own graveyard.
She’d worked to clean up her home, the little cottage hidden at the edge of
the forest. And she, Zoe, and Mason had held so many meetings that they
were starting to feel like permanent fixtures at the café.

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