The Hidden Guardian by J.D.L. Rosell EPUB & PDF

The Hidden Guardian by J.D.L. Rosell EPUB & PDF

The Hidden Guardian by J.D.L. Rosell EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: J.D.L. Rosell
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Military Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 9.8 MB
  • Price: Free

Leiyn closed her eyes, tilted back her head, and breathed in.
Spring was in the air. Though the stiff breeze nipped her nose and
chapped her hands, it brought with it scents sweet to behold. Of new
leaves, and the promise of grass. The prelude to all that would soon arrive.
What stirred underground spoke even more of the changing season.
Though the grass remained yellow, her lifesense detected the pops of life as
seeds broke free of shells to grow roots and seek sunlight. On the
broadleaved trees, buds made the branches spark as if they caught flame.
Home—it inundated her every sense.

For a moment, her vigilance eased. The urgency to return to Baltesia
and defend her homeland receded. Even the pestering thoughts over Sharo’s
schemes and if Ata had yet tracked him down faded to the back of her

She only inhaled and exhaled. Appreciating this fleeting moment. When
even Feral’s stench, cultivated over weeks, had a comforting edge.
“You stink,” she muttered to the horse.
The mare huffed and tossed her head. Smiling, Leiyn reached out to
stroke her mane.

And froze.
Leiyn sniffed the air. Something lurked beneath the fragrant bouquet of
the wilderness. A sign of danger. Hoping she imagined it, Leiyn inhaled
deeper. There it was again—a caustic warning to nearby creatures.
Smoke. Must it be smoke?

It could mean nothing. Foolhardy hunters, young or desperate, might
venture up this way from around Folly, risking titans and wild beasts to earn
their next meal. Or perhaps conditions in the south had driven folks north to
try their tools at taming the land. The frontier resisted such efforts at every
turn, yet it had not stopped hopeful colonists from making the attempt each

But it could be an omen. The specter of war hung heavy over the lands,
even this far into the Titan Wilds. Instead of settlers, enemies might linger
near. A ranger did not ignore a potential threat. Especially when they were
the last one.

In the north, at least.
Exhaling, Leiyn expanded her awareness through the wilderness.
Though her mahia always lay open, it contracted to half a league around her
when she was not embodying it. Now, she reached across dozens of
leagues, searching for the source of the fire.

It took moments to find the intruders, and a moment more to fan
suspicion into flame. The hill on which they camped was distinctive.
Though she had not often experienced the Titan Wilds through her mahia,
she knew this land too intimately to mistake it.

Thirty humans squatted amid the ruins of the Wilds Lodge.
Leiyn held little as holy in her life. Though she paid homage to the
Saints and beheld Almighty Omn with wary respect, they were distant
beings, their sanctity disconnected from the day to day of living. It was the
same with Refugio, the island central to the Catedrál, despite the claims of
its priestesses that it was the place closest to the divine in all of Unera.

Now, for the first time, she understood sanctity. For these trespassers
trod on her hallowed ground.
She did not know who they were, but where they walked was cause
enough for anger

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