The Heart Shot by Emily Schneider EPUB & PDF

The Heart Shot by Emily Schneider EPUB & PDF

The Heart Shot by Emily Schneider EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: Emily Schneider
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Satire
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Four Years Later
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read.
A headache hammered against my skull as I sat at the peninsula in
my kitchen, working on a blog article. If the article wasn’t for a popular
lifestyle website, I probably would have considered turning the job down.
This particular writing gig was not my first choice, but I had bills to pay
and the potential exposure from this website could be huge. That was the
unfortunate part of being a freelance writer—I had to write what people
hired me to write, even if I hated the content.

While the article was technically based on a true story, I could only see
it as a work of fiction. This type of stuff didn’t happen anywhere but in
romance novels.
I sighed for the millionth time. This website was paying me far too
much for me to do a subpar job, though, so I was going to grin and bear it
by forcing my annoyance, irritation, and skepticism into a tight little box.
Maybe those feelings would suffocate.

I rubbed at my forehead, staring at the first paragraph my fingers had
rebelled against typing.
I mean, who wanted to read an article written about an unlikely meet
cute between two strangers who fall in love at first sight? It was ridiculous.
Those types of scenarios didn’t happen in real life. It was probably a one-ina-bajillion chance. And yes, bajillion was absolutely a real number.

If there was one thing I had learned in life, it was that love wasn’t real.
It was a nice notion in books, but in real life? Not a chance. These people I
was writing about were delusional. Their supposed love-at-first-sight would
end eventually, and then this article really would be a work of fiction.
If it was my story, the article wouldn’t end with the characters getting
together. It would end with them seeing reason—that love was nothing
more than a cruel illusion—then they would go their separate ways, living
happily ever after alone.
The blinking cursor taunted me as I stared at the screen. I let out a long
Come on, Elsie. Just write the dang thing so you can get paid. You
don’t have to believe everything you write.
Something soft brushed against my arm, immediately soothing the
jagged edges of anxiety pricking through my stomach. My cat, Rhys, whom
I had named after my favorite fictional character, rubbed his body along my
arm and shoulder, his soft purring calming me.
“You’re the only man I need, Rhys,” I murmured, giving his head a
scratch. “At least I know that cat love is real.” All it took was a little
feeding and brushing and he would love me forever. Could I say the same
thing about a man? Absolutely not.

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