The Hanged Man by H.P. Mallory EPUB & PDF

The Hanged Man by H.P. Mallory EPUB & PDF

The Hanged Man by H.P. Mallory EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: H.P. Mallory
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal Witches & Wizards Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.2 MB
  • Price: Free

The French doors flew open with a bang, making the paintings on the
wall tremble.
I stormed into the living room of the castle, my heart pounding like a
wild animal. The smell of cinder and char clung to my nostrils, a
suffocating reminder of the hell hounds that had attacked just moments

Hell hounds? God, what in the crazy shit had my life become?
The memory of the attack was still so foreign—and so completely
unbelievable, I had a hard time believing it could actually be real—that
what just occurred had really happened. But yes, it was true—every bit of
it! The exact moment I’d decided to accept my role as a Daughter of the
Moon, the horrible creatures had suddenly appeared and seemed hellbent
(no pun intended) on ripping me apart.

As the memory of what I’d just survived continued to play out in my
mind, panic clawed its way up my throat all over again. In response, I bent
over, resting my hands on my thighs, trying to catch my breath. As far as I
could tell, Luke and Magnus had eliminated the threat so now it was just a
matter of coming to grips with the last thirty minutes of my life.

“Hey, fruitcake, you keep throwin’ them doors open like that, they’re
gonna break one o’ these days,” Rocco said as he nonchalantly sauntered
into the room as if Tarot Castle received hell hound visitors every week.
Yolanda dangled from one of his horns, bobbing up and down as she
blabbered on about something I couldn’t make out and didn’t want to.

Still gasping for air, I couldn’t respond. Instead, my chest heaved as I
tried to fully come to terms with what in the hell was going on and the more
important question: how could I get myself out of it ASAP?
“So, boss, you, uh, order that pizza yet… or what?” Rocco continued,
his goat hooves striking the hardwood floors with a hollow resonance as he
came closer. “You forget I like me the meat lovers kind?” Then he eyed me
narrowly. “Don’t go messin’ it all up with none o’ that green stuff, okay

But I still couldn’t respond. It actually felt like my mouth suddenly
didn’t work. And my brain was still trying to process everything I’d just
experienced and couldn’t focus on anything else.
“Hey! I’m talkin’ ‘ere!” Rocco’s New York mobster accent grew more
pronounced as he clomped right up to me and shoved his big, white head
into my line of sight. “Your brain on the fritz inside o’ there or what,
twinkle toes?”

“No!” I finally managed, yelling out the word as I straightened up to
face the two of them.
“What she sayin’?” Rocco whispered to Yolanda.

I, meanwhile, wondered what I was supposed to do next. I mean, what
constituted proper protocol after being attacked by demon hounds? How did
one formally declare her resignation to the moon? Or was that even an
option? I had this really bad feeling it wasn’t.
“No?” Rocco repeated as he glared at me once more.

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