The Grumpy One by Leslie North EPUB & PDF

The Grumpy One by Leslie North EPUB & PDF

The Grumpy One by Leslie North EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Leslie North
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Workplace Romance eBooks
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I considered myself a patient man. Truly.
But even patient men had limits—especially when that patience was
tested by an after-hours banshee.

“Excuse me? Hello?”
Arms folded over my chest, I looked at the screeching creature who had
taken over my store. She twirled around the floor, the mop in her hands
doubling as a microphone stand, and completely ignored me. But then
again, how could she hear me given how damn loud she had the music? I
wasn’t exactly up to date on pop trends, but there was no doubt that this
American Idol reject was doing her best Beyonce impersonation. Which
was, in fact, really bad.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to suppress the growing headache
that had settled between my eyes.
“Hey, listen up! I need you to turn —”
She threw her head back dramatically. “WHO RUNS THE WORLD?”
Well, me. I do, but she clearly didn’t know that yet.

As annoyed as I was with the stranger, I couldn’t stop staring at her, waiting
to get a full view of her face. Her shoulder-length brown hair actually
gleamed as she whipped it around, like she was a model in a shampoo ad.
And her body? Let’s just say that my mind wandered as she shimmied up
and down the mop pole. She couldn’t sing, but the girl had some impressive
moves. Stripper-adjacent, body rolling, ass-displaying raunch that I actually
found myself enjoying, despite the accompanying vocals—and the
mountain of work that should have my focus instead of
whatever this was.
I finally glanced at my watch.

It was after ten, which meant she was one of the cleaning ladies, a tardy
store assistant, or the worst robber in history. Whatever way, I didn’t really
care. The only thing that mattered to me was getting back to my fucking
spreadsheets, and this stranger was making it impossible.

When I was able to tear my eyes off of her, everything else in the retail
showroom was a reminder of how much was at stake and why I was still
working late into the evening. This business, this legacy, was mine to sink
or swim. Every employee’s fate was in my hands, including the shockingly
bad singer shaking her ass when she should’ve been working.

“For fuck’s sake,” I muttered, crossing the length of the store with wide
strides. I closed up on the woman—a store assistant, judging by the
charcoal button-up shirt—and tapped her on the shoulder. Or tried to,

I caught up to her mid-chorus, and the lunatic was halfway through a twirl
when I reached out. The handle of her mop caught my arm, whacking it
down. Not how I had planned to draw her attention, but it did the trick. She
jumped backwards and screamed in shock.

“I want that music off,” I said simply, trying to hide my shock at how
fucking intense her eyes were. Deep blue and ringed in dark lashes, she had
a fairy-tale princess vibe despite the look of horror on her face.

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