The Girl on the Road by A.J. Rivers EPUB & PDF

The Girl on the Road by A.J. Rivers EPUB & PDF

The Girl on the Road by A.J. Rivers EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: A.J. Rivers
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Kidnapping Thrillers
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“But really, when was the last time you just saw a mannequin out in the
world unsupervised? Are there really any circumstances where mannequins
just start popping up in fields and hillsides?” Xavier asks.
I catch Dean’s expression as I come into the living room with a plate of
hot cinnamon rolls and a bowl of extra icing. I set them down on the table
and go back into the kitchen for the carafe of coffee I brewed and some
mugs. He looks both confused and somewhat intrigued by the question.
“I mean, I personally haven’t seen any,” he says.

“Mannequins?” I ask, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee before
settling onto the couch beside Xavier. “They show up in Halloween
decorations and stuff. That little farm across town that has been trying to set
itself up as a haunted attraction is already putting them out along the road as

“That doesn’t count,” Xavier says. “Those were put there for a reason. I
mean just laying out in the grass like somebody tossed them there in the
hopes they would get absorbed into the ground and sprout baby dolls.”
“Well, now we know where cabbage patches come from,” Dean says,
reaching to pull a chunk out of the center of one of the cinnamon rolls. He
dips it in the extra frosting and pops the entire thing in his mouth.
“Wrong,” Xavier says emphatically with a strong point at Dean.
“Cabbage patches come from small seeds that resemble peppercorns.
Cabbage Patch Dolls come from Xavier Roberts, the visionary from whence I
got my name.”

Dean and I glance at each other.
“You were named after the… the toy designer Xavier Roberts?” I ask.
Xavier nods. “So, the story goes my sister wanted to know how I came to
be when our parents told her they were expecting me and, being dishonest
and unduly whimsical as parents are wont to be, they told her I came from
where all babies do. The cabbage patch. As luck and marketing would have
it, Cabbage Patch Dolls emerged very shortly thereafter and my sister noticed
each one had a Xavier Roberts signature. She decided I must come from the
same place they did and believed for the last several weeks of my mother’s
pregnancy that she was going to come forth with a bobbly-headed soft doll.

The idea had gotten so ingrained into the mythos of my family when I was
born and they realized they needed to bestow a name on their new son, the
only one they could come up with was Xavier. Just as Cabbage Patch dolls
emerged into the world to great fanfare and delight in 1983, so did I.”
I stare at Xavier for a few seconds, dumbfounded by the revelation,
before Dean finally speaks.

“Wait. X, you weren’t born in 1983,” he says.
“I know,” Xavier says.
“Then why did your parents name you Xavier?” I ask.
“They liked it.”
“Then why did you tell us that?” Dean asks.

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