The Girl in the Sand by L.T. Vargus EPUB & PDF

The Girl in the Sand by L.T. Vargus EPUB & PDF

The Girl in the Sand by L.T. Vargus EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: L.T. Vargus
  • Language: English
  • Genre: U.S. Horror Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The palm trees lining the boulevard whipped in the wind. Violet Darger
had seen the massive thunderhead looming in the distance from the plane,
and now the storm was closing in on the city. From the air, the mass of
clouds had looked as solid as stone. A strange roiling mountain that flashed
like a strobe.

She thought she’d feel better once the plane touched down — that the
gnawing anticipating in her gut would calm itself — but that wasn’t the
case. And she knew it wouldn’t go away until the question was answered:
What was she doing here? Loshak had called and told her she needed to be
on the next flight to Las Vegas, but he’d refused to say more than that over
the phone.

Her partner was always being cryptic like that, and just now she didn’t
find it to be the most endearing trait of his. What she couldn’t decide was
whether Loshak’s evasiveness was business as usual, or if he hadn’t wanted
to say what was going on for a reason.
Her gut had been telling her all along that Loshak had been keeping
something from her. Something big. All that crap about coming out to
Vegas for some criminology conference she’d never heard of. A pile of
horse shit.
And the more she wondered, the louder a single name echoed in her
mind, no matter how fiercely she tried to quiet it.
Leonard Stump.

The name of the most-feared serial killer in Darger’s lifetime had rooted
itself deep in her thoughts, putting out new creeping shoots like some kind
of carnivorous plant.
Of course, 5-7 adults were reported missing every day in Las Vegas —
over 200 a month. And that was a number that didn’t include potentially
double that in unreported cases from marginalized communities, mostly
prostitutes. That left a lot of possibilities for their case here, didn’t it? It
could be anything from a serial murder case à la Stump to something on the
scale of human trafficking. But thanks to Loshak, she had no idea what she
was heading into.

She reached a traffic light at the northern edge of the city, and the land
opened up before her. There were no trees here, just low desert scrub and
dusty-looking foothills in the distance. After the colored lights and rows of
palmettos along the Strip, the landscape here felt barren. Vast and empty.
The steel-blue sky cast a grayish light over everything. It leached the color
from the world, leaving it pale and bloodless.

Thunder boomed and crackled, sounding like the mountains around her
were being cloven by a great hammer. On average, there were only about a
dozen rainy days per year in Las Vegas, and naturally she’d arrived to find
they were getting hit with their biggest thunderstorm in years. What luck.
The first few drops of rain splatted on the windshield as she steered onto
the highway. The cars heading the opposite direction were drenched, wipers
on full blast. A bolt of lightning forked against the dark stain of the clouds,
and then the storm was on her. A full driving rain that battered against the
roof of the car and splashed onto the road.

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