The Ghost of Ivy Barn by Mark Stay EPUB & PDF

The Ghost of Ivy Barn by Mark Stay EPUB & PDF

The Ghost of Ivy Barn by Mark Stay EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Mark Stay
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Coming of Age Fantasy 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Bertie Butterworth’s Battle of Britain Diary
Friday 9th August, 1940
Started with distant gunfire in the morning. Air raid warning from 3–
7pm. Big raid at night. Lots of flashes. Maybe twenty planes shot down.
Think two planes crashed nearby. Must investigate. Made Spam hash
today. Bit salty. Had a strange dream where me and Faye were riding
bicycles in the sky. It was so peaceful up there. I wanted to hold her hand, but
the wind kept pushing us apart. Can’t stop thinking about Faye. I think
about her when I wake up, I think about her when I’m fixing Dad’s tractor,
I think about her when I’m pulling a pint in the pub, and I think about her
when I go to sleep. Is that normal?

Faye Bright’s teeth rattled as her Pashley Model A bicycle shuddered down the
bumpy coast road towards the village of Woodville. The moon lingered, pale in
the brightening sky, though the morning sun was already warm and the sea
glistened. Waves beckoned her to hop in and splash about. Faye was tempted,
though the beaches were littered with barbed wire and wrought-iron crosses and
other such invasion defences, so a quick paddle was out of the question.
Faye was also knackered. Having just nished an all-night Air Raid
Precaution coast watch with Freddie Paine, she was ready to curl up into a ball,
duck under her bedsheets and kip the whole day.
It had been an intense evening. Faye lost count of how many planes tumbled
into that same sea last night. At least twenty. The Luftwae bombers stayed
high, and some of the ghters would come down and shoot barrage balloons like
it was a game. Mr Paine seemed calm enough. Standing stock-still, gripping his
binoculars, calmly telling her how he had seen the bodies of pilots shed out of
the water the day before, all while the sky was lit up like reworks night. Faye
had always felt safe on ARP duties with Mr Paine, but last night was the rst
time she’d had the terrible thought that they might actually lose this war. She
tried to shake the thought away, but it lingered even now like a bad smell.

Faye hadn’t felt right for weeks. Not since that business with the Bavarian
Druid Otto Kopp. In an eort to save three Kinderstransport children from a
ravenous demon, she had been forced to take them across a magical threshold
into an endless void. For some time she stood alone in that strange darkness with
the moon, and its incredible ancient power had coursed through her. She could
feel it still, zzing in her belly and her brain as if waiting for something.
Faye rounded a bend and could see the bell tower of Saint Irene’s Church
poking over the tops of trees when Larry Dell ran out into the road and agged
her down.
‘Faye! Faye Bright, have you got a mo’?’

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