The Foundations of Love by Joanna Cates EPUB & PDF

The Foundations of Love by Joanna Cates EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Joanna Cates
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Isabel Cartwright
I turned the key and stumbled into the hallway, which was devoid of light
or sound. Instead of finding the usual pile of shoes to greet me on arrival,
they sat stacked neatly on the rack. Coats and jackets hung on hooks instead
of being draped over the staircase banister. After a deep breath, I flung my
keys into the bowl next to a wilting houseplant.

As I walked towards the kitchen, I called out the names of my children,
but expected no reply. Light flooded the room when I reached into the
fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine. I walked into the dining room and
slumped into a bucket chair, where I flicked through the pile of envelopes.
No doubt placed there by Fran, my cleaner, who nurtured my home whilst I
went to the office. As I sipped on a glass of chilled Oxney Organic Estate
Pinot Rosé, the taut muscles in my shoulders relaxed.

I ran my fingers through my hair. ‘I’ll deal with the post tomorrow,’ I
muttered. However, when I placed the post back on the table, one crisp
white envelope caught my attention. I grabbed it out of the pile and ripped
open the seal. With my breath held, I unfolded the heavy vellum.
The contents didn’t come as a surprise but, nonetheless, tears trickled
down my face. After two long years of living under a dark, oppressive
cloud, finally freedom had found me. It seemed as if an explosion of colour
filled my life when I stood and screamed out, ‘I’m officially divorced and
ready to live my life.’

This bout of euphoria proved short-lived, and I fell to
the floor. Rivers of tears washed over my face whilst my shoulders shook. I
thumped the cold floor with my fist and sat upright. ‘That’s enough, Isabel
Cartwright. Get a grip on yourself. That bastard can’t control you anymore.’
A gentle rub caressed my shoulder, and a tissue appeared in front of my
blurred vision. My daughter, Eleanor, gave me a soft smile. ‘Come on,
Mum, dry those tears and let’s get you off that cold floor.’ Eleanor picked
up the discarded letter and read the contents. ‘About time,’she said. ‘I know
you’ve had two years of hell, but now you can put this chapter behind you.

You’re only forty-nine, so you have time to rebuild your life.’
‘Darling, I’m an emotional wreck right now, and this is a combination
of shock and relief.’ I gulped down the contents of my glass and smiled.
‘Have you got any plans tonight, or do you fancy celebrating with me?’ I

‘I’m so sorry, Mum, but I’ve made arrangements. Because I’m the
designated driver, I can’t cancel them, and Molly would get upset if we
didn’t turn up to her 18th birthday. Although, I could find out if someone
else can drive?’
‘No, don’t do that. You have fun and wish Molly a happy birthday from

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