The Forfeit by Florence Gillan EPUB & PDF

The Forfeit by Florence Gillan EPUB & PDF

The Forfeit by Florence Gillan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Florence Gillan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Psychological Thrillers
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

She had opened a letter from a dead man. How was this possible? The white
envelope had seemed so innocent when she’d noticed it on her doormat. An
ordinary letter postmarked Dublin. When she’d torn it open, she’d been
surprised to see it contained another much smaller envelope. She’d shook it
out onto the table, and that was when her stomach flipped and her heart
thumped painfully against the walls of her chest.
The small envelope, bordered in black, lay on the table. With trembling
fingers, she turned it over, and there on the front was scrawled the name

She slumped onto a kitchen chair, her blood pounding in her ears. It
couldn’t be. She stared, mesmerised, at the small envelope. Afraid to open
it. It had to be some weird coincidence. But no one except Rory had ever
sent her tiny envelopes bordered in black, and he was dead. She continued
to stare helplessly. All the memories she had pushed to the deepest recesses
of her mind surged agitatedly to the surface. They mustn’t escape. She
didn’t want to think about the past. She wouldn’t think about the past. She
had spent thirty years building up a hard scab to hold it back.

She sat frozen in her seat, unable – no, unwilling to open the envelope. But
she knew that she had to. It was nearly thirty years since she had last seen
Rory. After her father got the transfer to Louth, she begged her mother not to
invite her cousin to stay again. Her mother, seeing she was still traumatised
after the events of the previous summer, hadn’t forced the issue. Bree didn’t
know how she explained it to Rory’s mother, and never asked. Once they
moved, she refused to speak about Rory again. Now here was the past
preparing to devour her once more. But how? Rory was dead.

Her mother
had told her about his death, but she had never asked her for details. It was
enough to know that he was gone – hopefully to hell. Her overwhelming
feeling had been one of relief. He might invade her dreams, but she was safe
from ever having to encounter him again. But now his menacing presence
was reaching out to her as she stared at the little envelope.

She had been so contented only a little while ago as she strolled to her car,
enjoying the lovely late September evening. Summer warmth still lingered
in the air, diluted by a slight autumn breeze, and she carried her jacket over
her arm. Her spirits were high at the thought of Amy coming home from
college for the weekend. She had cajoled Colm into letting her leave work
early because she wanted to cook Amy’s favourite meal – chicken curry and
chips. Parking her car, she had done a quick flit around the shops, eager to
get home and have everything perfect for her daughter.
Blissfully unaware of the minefield ahead. She had no sixth sense, no
foreboding that her life was about to shift on its axis.

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