The Flowered Blade by Taylor Hubbard EPUB & PDF

The Flowered Blade by Taylor Hubbard EPUB & PDF

The Flowered Blade by Taylor Hubbard EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Taylor Hubbard
  • Language: English
  • Genre: LGBTQ
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.5 MB
  • Price: Free

IF THERE WAS ONE thing Silvyr hated most in this world, it was the
monotony of travel.
For the last week, Silvyr and his caravan had been traveling from
neighboring lands to return home to Athowen. Day after dull day he sat in
his carriage, watching the landscape pass him by. He didn’t bring nearly
enough books to keep him occupied, having finished all of them before they
arrived in Xeatia in the first place. Maybe he should have listened to Ascal
when she told him to purchase a few books before they left, but like a fool
who believed he knew everything, he chose to ignore her sage advice.

After all, he was far too busy in Xeatia to warrant an outing to look for
books. Father simply would not approve, and Silvyr imagined his father
would know, somehow, that the thought even crossed his mind. He could
already hear the lecture of horrendous proportions when he arrived home,
simply because he dared to think. Xeatia needed to be reviewed, and Silvyr
couldn’t neglect that responsibility for his own pleasantries.

For the last few months Xeatia had been neglecting the taxes required of
them, and Silvyr’s father, High King Keryth, had become quite fed up with
the Lord and Lady in charge of the settlement. In a final effort to quell the
tension between the Kingdom and their subjects, Silvyr had volunteered to
go to Xeatia and meet with them, and if possible, collect the missing taxes.
He dreaded facing Father empty handed. Silvyr already struggled to please
Father with his high demands and even higher expectations, so the trip to
Xeatia needed to be perfect.

It wasn’t.
Silvyr pushed back in his seat, reaching out to open the plush crimson
curtains inside the carriage.

They were passing through a familiar forest on a well-worn path, halfway
home. For a while, the passing deciduous trees entertained him, though not
nearly as much as if he were allowed out of the carriage to climb them.
Desperately he wanted to explore the branches and pluck the leaves off to
keep for his collection of flora back at home, to take it home and look
through the libraries to discover the name of the tree or if it had any uses.
Simply passing by wasn’t enough.

The door to the carriage opened, pulling Silvyr away from his day
dreaming as Ascal lifted herself into the moving wagon, dressed in her
travel leathers with her chestnut hair tucked back in a tight, perfect bun.

Wide and apparently made of nothing but muscle, Silvyr couldn’t ask for a
better personal guard. She took a seat across from him and crossed her legs.
Silvyr tucked himself closer to the window. The close quarters of the wagon
were hardly comfortable for one person, let alone another built like a

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