The Fight for Midnight by Dan Solomon EPUB & PDF

The Fight for Midnight by Dan Solomon EPUB & PDF

The Fight for Midnight by Dan Solomon EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Dan Solomon
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Teen & Young Adult Fiction on Pregnancy Social & Family Issues
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

9:03 am
I’m running late when my phone rings. I was supposed to be inside
the Austin Adult Day Care Center, where the terms of my
deferred prosecution have me doing community service all
summer, three minutes ago. But my phone never rings these days, so
I answer the call out of curiosity. “Hello?”
“Hi! Is this Alex Collins?” a friendly—downright bubbly, even—
female voice asks me.
“It is,” I say, pressing the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I
lock my bike to the rack outside the center.
“Hey, Alex. It’s Cassie,” she says, then adds for clarication,

If I had any friends left, I would assume this is a prank from
someone who knows about my lifelong crush on Cassie Ramirez. But
I haven’t had any friends in months. I have no idea why Cassie
Ramirez would be calling me, or even where she got my number, but
I don’t have time to ask for the details. I can’t aord to get into
trouble for blowing o community service, so I just stammer, “Hey,
Cassie,” and head toward the door.

“What are you doing later today?” she asks me, like that’s a
normal question for her to ask me, like the fact that we haven’t
exchanged more than half a dozen words since we were in fourth
grade would naturally lead to a morning phone call on a Tuesday in
the summer.

“Um—I’m not sure,” I say. “No plans yet.”
That’s an understatement. The theme of my Summer of 2013 has
been “no plans yet,” starting basically from the day school let out
until this very moment, where my only plan consists of reading fty
pages of a gruesomely violent fantasy series to a man in his eighties
who always wants more of the beheadings.

“I’m really glad to hear that,” she says, then laughs a disarming,
self-conscious laugh. “I mean, no oense. But today is really
important. You should come to the Capitol as soon as you can.
There’s a lot going on, and you could really help out.”
“At the Capitol? Like a bake sale or something?” I ask, still
waiting outside the center.

“Like a protest,” she says. “A big one. And I really need your help.
Can you be there?”

Cassie’s popular, so if she’s calling me, she must be trying to build
the biggest army of protesters of all time. I didn’t even know she
cared about politics. But it’s safe to assume that right now, she’s
calling everybody she hasn’t already texted, Facebooked, tweeted,
tagged on Instagram, Snapchatted, or reblogged on Tumblr in order
to rally the troops. I deleted all of that stu a few months ago, which
is probably why she’s on the phone with me.

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