The Fair Chronicles by Lyndsey Hall EPUB & PDF

The Fair Chronicles by Lyndsey Hall EPUB & PDF

The Fair Chronicles by Lyndsey Hall EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Lyndsey Hall
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Greek & Roman Myth & Legend
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.3 MB
  • Price: Free

Today was the Summer Solstice, and that meant one thing. The
Hartwood summer fayre.
Aria weaved through the crowd, her hands full of hot coffee in
paper cups. The entire village of Hartwood had ventured out by the looks of
it. She smiled as she squeezed past neighbours and a group of kids she
recognised from the year below at school.

As she made her way back to where she’d left Jasper in line at the
doughnut van, her cotton tote bag slipped down her shoulder and jolted her
arm, slopping coffee onto her favourite leather boots. She bent down and
placed the cups on the ground, taking a napkin out of the bag to wipe it off
before it left a mark. As she reached in, her fingertips brushed the box in the
bottom, the birthday present she’d bought Jasper and was waiting for the
right moment to give to him. She’d do it later, when they were alone.

Satisfied that the coffee wouldn’t leave a stain she straightened up, and
paused as a creeping sensation washed over her. Her flesh rose with goose
bumps, the feeling of eyes on her, but when she glanced around at the other
fayre-goers no one stood out. It wasn’t the first time it had happened this
week, either.

After another look around, she shook off the feeling and headed for the
doughnut van. She was being paranoid, Hartwood was about the safest
place on Earth. A quiet, rural town in the middle of England, with a
maypole in the centre of the town square. It was all very idyllic.

But then, a lot of new people had arrived with the fayre. Performers and
musicians and the like. Strong-looking lads she took for roadies and techies.
“Aria? Aria!” She could see Jasper standing on tiptoe, trying to catch a
glimpse of her copper hair over the crowd surging between the tents. He
hadn’t even noticed her leaving, had been too busy staring at the blue-eyed,
blonde-haired boy working in the doughnut van, probably working up the
courage to flirt with him when his turn to order came around. She pushed
the thought away and plastered a grin onto her face.

“Here!” She lifted a cardboard coffee cup in the air. “You have to drink
coffee with doughnuts, it’s the law.” She handed him a cup and took the bag,
reaching inside to take a bite of the hot, sugary contents. “I did tell you I
was going, but you were too busy drooling over doughnut guy.” Jasper
blushed and her stomach clenched, he was so adorable when he was

“Whatever, shove a doughnut in it and come on.”
As they strolled around the tents, sipping their coffee and killing time
until the next performance on the big stage, Aria noticed the brass band for
the first time. They were playing the usual sort of music you’d expect at a
summer fayre, but it sounded wrong somehow, off key. Like a music box as
it wound down, warping the notes, the tiny dancer twirling slower and
slower before grinding to a halt. It sent a shiver down her spine.

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