The Eraser by Brooke Summers EPUB & PDF

The Eraser (HOULIHAN MEN OF DUBLIN #1) by Brooke Summers EPUB & PDF

The Eraser (HOULIHAN MEN OF DUBLIN #1) by Brooke Summers EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Brooke Summers
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Four years later
I hear from behind me, but I
ignore it. I’m walking along O’Connell street and the last thing I need is to
be stopped by this guy, especially as the gardai are parked across the street.
But he’s right, he does know me—to see at least. I’ve seen him a few times
around town. From what I’ve heard, he’s a thief. He tries to steal from me,
and I’ll kill him. “Stephen, right?” he says as he runs up beside me.

“What’s it to you?” I snap as I spare him a glance.
“Just making conversation. So, you’re close with the O’Hara family.
How did that happen?”

“None of your business,” I fire back. I’ll never tell anyone how I came
to find the O’Hara family. It’s been four years and I’m still close to them.
They treat me like one of their own. Callie is a sister to me now, and I’ll do
anything to protect her.
“Ara man, why are you being like this?” he asks, still keeping his steps
with mine.

“You’re a thief,” I say.
He laughs. “I am. There’s nothing wrong with doing whatever you have
to do in order to survive. You gonna to act as though you wouldn’t do the
same in my position?”

He’s right, I’ve stolen a few times. I’ve needed to. It wasn’t because I
liked it; it was out of necessity. I needed food and new clothes, and stealing
was the only way I could obtain them. Thankfully, I no longer have to do
that shit. Not now I have the O’Hara’s. They ensure that I have food and
clothing without me asking—not that I ever would.
“I’ve never stolen from anyone who didn’t deserve it,” he says with a

I laugh. “You’re a modern day Robin Hood, yeah?”
He lifts a shoulder. “Something like that. Anyway, I’ve not robbed
anyone in a while.”
I roll my eyes. “Saw you not even ten minutes ago steal a man’s wallet
as he was getting on the bus.”
“That was ten minutes ago. I told you, it’s been a while.”
I laugh once again. Okay, I could actually like this guy. “Fine, I’m

He holds out his hand. “Freddie, though most people call me the Thief.”
“Not that you can blame them, right?”
He grins. “Nah, but I will promise you that I’ll never steal from you. So,
what’s the plan for today?”

“Haven’t got any,” I say as I continue to walk. This is something I do
every day. Ma’s still the same. Her drug addiction hasn’t changed. In fact,
it’s only gotten worse. Hell, it’s so bad that she’s no longer working. Da’s
still an asshole and beats me whenever he can—something that pisses me
off now I’m almost as tall as him. I just need to work on getting stronger.
Once I can do that, I won’t hesitate to throw punches back.

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