The Duke and the Enigmatic Governess by Abigail Agar EPUB & PDF

The Duke and the Enigmatic Governess by Abigail Agar EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Abigail Agar
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

21st March 1816, the First Day of Spring
The Bell Inn
The stairs creaked as Jude, Duke of Clairville, was guided by his friend,
Daniel Young, attorney-at-law, to the waiting carriage.
“Now remember what I said, Jude, you’re living like a hermit at that
country estate of yours. Your mother is right, you need to get to town and
get to know some of the eligible young ladies.” Daniel said to him.
“Don’t tell me my mother has recruited you to her cause!” laughed Jude,
slapping Daniel on his back before waving him goodbye.

The rain had eased, leaving a clear, moonlit sky. As he got into the carriage
Jude, glanced up, longing to be in the countryside at his estate in
Hertfordshire, but business had called him to London and his townhouse.
At least he got to see Daniel, not just his friend, but also his advisor. They
had completed his business that afternoon, and he planned to return to
Clairville estate the following day, to see the first signs of spring in that
historic landscape. He’d left his spaniel, Tess, at the estate, and missed
those walks across the fields every morning.

As soon as he was back at Clairville, he would go out for a long ride, gallop
over the heath, and plunge into the lake and feel alive. It was only midMarch, the last day of winter, and the water in the lake would be cold, but
Jude had grown-up enjoying swimming in the lake in all weather.
As they headed back to Jude’s townhouse, the carriage wheels clattered on
the road, wet from the torrents of rain which had been falling only a few
hours earlier.

In places the road was almost flooded, the horses’ hooves pounding out a
rhythm as they splashed through the water, throwing it up to the height of
the carriage window as it trundled through the city.

It had been good to spend time with Daniel; an evening of cards, cognac,
and conversation had been just what he needed to improve his spirits.
They’d arranged for Daniel to visit Clairville Hall the following month,
with the promise that his friend didn’t return to the topic of marriage and
settling down. He knew he would need to marry and secure an heir for the
Clairville estate at some time in the years ahead, but he had no plans for
that quite yet.

He closed his eyes, almost drifting off to sleep, as he got used to the rhythm
of the carriage.
He woke with a start, holding the side of the seat as the carriage lurched to a
holt, horses rearing, and a loud cry from Barton, his driver.

What the… a highwayman? Surely not in town?
A flash of white through the window and a crescendo of voices. Jude
opened the carriage door and called to his footman, whom he could see
kneeling on the road, a few feet away from the carriage. Barton was still
trying to steady the horses, and it would be dangerous to dismount until the
horses had quietened.

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