The Drexonian’s Mate by Carol Dawn EPUB & PDF

The Drexonian’s Mate by Carol Dawn EPUB & PDF

The Drexonian’s Mate by Carol Dawn EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Carol Dawn
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

A liens. 
I never thought I would live to see these days.
Earth has become a hotspot for alien activity. Three years ago, we
received a strange signal from deep space. While we couldn’t figure out how
to decode what it may have said, we all knew what it meant.

Somewhere out there in the universe, there was life. Or at least there was
the potential for life. You see, space is big. Massive. That signal could have
taken thousands, or even millions of years to reach us. They could all be
That was our thought process here at NASA. But even though we figured
the aliens who sent the signal were most likely already dead, it didn’t dampen
the impact that it had on us as a human race.

We weren’t alone. We’re not the only planet in this entire universe that
was capable of intelligent life. As a scientist, an astronomer to be precise, I
was on a high of excitement for months after first receiving the radio waves.
As an Astronomer, I study everything in the cosmos, but I specialize in deepspace telemetry.
To put it simply, radio waves. Electronic communication in space.
Ergo, this alien message was gold to me.

For months, I was elbow-deep in numbers and sounds and wave after
wave of unknown signals as I tried desperately to decode the message. A
series of beeps and tones followed me to sleep each night and was my alarm
every morning.
Radio signals use a carrier wave to transmit messages. It’s a fixed
frequency that is simple to decode but I was having the most difficult time
with it. It was strange.
It was alien.

Then one day, it happened. Instead of the monotonous sound of the radio
waves that I had grown accustomed to, a voice spoke. The sound was garbled
and definitely not English, but I was just so happy that words were being
After decoding the waves, language experts were then put to the task of
trying to translate what was being said. It took them a couple of months, but
they did it.

“My name is Lanter, of the Yomhite’s. We have recently learned of life on
your planet. We understand that you are a pre-spaceflight civilization. We
wish to inform you that there are many planets with life. We would ask for
permission to visit if it is your will. We come peacefully and with no ill intent.
We look forward to receiving your message.”

One week later the message was broadcasted across the world, and
everything exploded into chaos. Some people were building underground
bunkers in case of an all-out attack. Others were looking towards the sky as
often as possible to see if our visitors mysteriously arrived.
Even though we were still unsure of the time the original message was
sent, it took the leaders of our world over a year to agree upon responding.
But it only took a week after sending that message for the first alien ship to

It was Lanter. He called himself and his people Yomhite’s. They were
beautiful. They’re very tall and skinny with pale blue skin, big yellow eyes,
and a very long tail.
A freaking tail.
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