The Curious Incident of the Great Cookie Snackcident of 979 by Kass O’Shire EPUB & PDF

The Curious Incident of the Great Cookie Snackcident of 979 (SHADES OF SANCTUARY #2.5) by Kass O’Shire EPUB & PDF

The Curious Incident of the Great Cookie Snackcident of 979 (SHADES OF SANCTUARY #2.5) by Kass O’Shire EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kass O’Shire
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.2 MB
  • Price: Free

“DEEP BREATHS, ABI, DEEP breaths.” Her hushed words echoed
through the chamber that led up to the Lady’s Sepulcher, skittering
along the walls and dissipating over the lake.

Even after years of visiting her goddess weekly, entering the chamber
where she floated on the glassy surface of the water still took Abi’s breath
every time. The ceiling was at least 200 feet high, and the ground was
almost entirely covered in the smooth stillness of the aquifer. A thin strip of
shore ringed it, where she and her fellow guards would make their rounds.

Visitors viewed the Lady from the mezzanine level, specifically designed
so they could look down on their Lady’s floating form as she slept. Abi had
only set foot down there four times—once at her shifting ceremony, a
coming of age rite where each child in Sanctuary presented their shifted
form to their Goddess, during her Dedication to the Lady, during her
initiation into the guards, and finally when she’d been stationed at the door
and had needed to ask one of the Sanctum guards a question.
For years Abi had worked for this promotion. At twenty-three, she was
the youngest Shade ever to guard the Lady’s resting place, and if she had
her way, it was a post she’d occupy for years to come.

Her hand kept
straying to the new knot on her uniform’s shoulder, an indicator of her
elevated position as a guard for the inner sanctum. She’d tied her curly
white hair back in a tight bun, but knew that by lunch time, she would likely
already be surrounded in a halo of escapees.

Abi’s tunnel spit her out on the same level as their Goddess, so she only
saw her in profile, though the proximity only emphasized how large she
was. Their Goddess appeared to be a teenager, but she was at least the
height of three grown men. For not the first time, Abi wondered how she’d
gotten inside the chamber; she couldn’t imagine their Goddess crawling
down any of the cramped passages that led to the pool.

The cavern was lit by the glow of lunula, the bioluminescent algae
charged with the Lady’s magic, that allowed her people to change their
forms. 4 Abi’s snowy owl form had shifted her sleep schedule when she’d
chosen it. She now preferred keeping a nocturnal schedule and had trouble
if she needed to sleep during the night. She rarely tired during night shifts,
so when the night position had opened, she’d jumped at the opportunity.

As a child, she’d visited the Lady every week. She’d always been a little
scared of the shades that lived here full time, their entire lives spent bathed
in the Lady’s aura. Specifically created to guard their Lady full-time, they
were affected by the Lady’s magic significantly less than other peoples, but
their seclusion lent them an air of mystery; they spent nearly their entire
lives underground.

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