The Concierge by Abby Corson EPUB & PDF

The Concierge by Abby Corson EPUB & PDF

The Concierge by Abby Corson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Abby Corson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.8 MB
  • Price: Free

Tap one. Tap two. Tap three.
Sorry about that. I have to tap my head three times when I have a bad or
intrusive thought. That time I was thinking about how much worse
everything would have been if my father was still alive.
You can delete that bit from the transcript, Helen. Actually, leave it in. I
guess it adds to the authenticity of the tale.

I suppose it would be fitting to explain that I am talking into a dictaphone
and the lovely Helen will be typing out my story for you to read. She will
have a certain amount of creative control—sorting out moments when I get
a bit tongue-tied or slightly muddled—but I have told her to leave in as
much as possible, so as not to miss any of the important bits. This is my
account of the Cavengreen Hotel murder, best we get that bit in early on.
Tap one. Tap two. Tap three.

That was me remembering the moment I found the body.
Note to Helen: remind me to remind you to ask me if I still want all my
head taps to be left in before publishing. I know we spoke before about how
my OCD is important to the story, but let’s have another chat about it when
you’re writing this up.

You are probably wondering why I can’t write my own book and need
the assistance of Helen. I am a seventy-three-year-old man, you see. And
before you say it, I know a lot of seventy-year-olds who can use computers
too; I just don’t happen to be one of them. Prefer the classic pen and paper.
When Helen and I first spoke about writing my story, she took one look at
my handwriting and suggested I use the dictaphone. Apparently it is easier
to decipher my Yorkshire accent than my scribbles.

I am not offended,
though. Aside from the odd lines and circles on maps to highlight local
walks and pubs for the hotel guests, it isn’t often I use a pen and paper for
anything other than my own reminders. To buy milk and the like.
And about the head tapping, that’s something I’ve always done. A way of
coping after my dad started whacking me when I was eight.

I don’t
normally recite the taps out loud. But I will do that for Helen, so she can
decide if she wants to put them in the book or not. It is always three taps.
Everything is done in threes. Flicking light switches on and off three times
before leaving a room. Three tight squeezes of the steering wheel before
setting off in the car. Three taps on a glass before a first sip. Three twists of
the knob to find the right temperature.

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