The Chemistry of Love by Sariah Wilson EPUB & PDF

The Chemistry of Love by Sariah Wilson EPUB & PDF

The Chemistry of Love by Sariah Wilson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Author Name: Sariah Wilson
  • Book Genre: Romance, Fiction
  • ISBN # 
  • Edition Language: English
  • Date of Publication: February 02, 2023
  • File Format: PDF / EPUB
  • PDF / EPUB File Size: 3 MB

There were three things that I really despised—being late, the color orange,
and having to clean my beakers after making an anhydrous product
(because those hardened waxes were nearly impossible to remove).
Today I was late for work, and the only thing that could have possibly
made that worse would have been to arrive at the lab and find out that my
next assignment would be to create a lip balm. An orange lip balm.

My boss was going to freak out. And he was going to make a scene
while I had to stand there, quietly taking it . . . I shook my head. No. Maybe
I could sneak in, and Jerry wouldn’t even notice that I’d come in late.
Even as I thought it, I knew it wouldn’t come true. Something was
going to happen. Again.

The guard at the front desk waved me through the security gate
without me showing him my badge. Normally I would stop and chat with
Daniel, but instead I was too busy doing my White Rabbit from Alice in
Wonderland impersonation.
I was so, so late. And I was never late.

Daniel furrowed his brow, as if he sensed that something was off. I
wondered if he’d tease me, but instead he just smiled. “Good morning,
Anna!” he said as he buzzed me through.
“Good morning!” I replied, trying to retain some semblance of dignity
as I power walked to the elevator bank.
I could still hear my grandma’s words in my head as the elevator doors
finally opened and let me inside. She had noticed my tardiness and said,
“Being late is disrespectful to you, and it is disrespectful to your colleagues.
Even if you’re not working at a real lab.”

The memory made me sigh heavily. It was a real lab, despite what she
thought, and I hadn’t been trying to disrespect anyone. I’d accidentally slept
in on my first day back at work after my company’s two-week holiday
break, which somehow just zoomed by. One day I was leaving the office
with nothing but time in front of me, and the next it was New Year’s Eve,
where I sat with my grandparents on their couch and watched the ball drop
on their ancient television. My grandpa’s favorite parrot, Feather Locklear,
had repeated, “Happy New Year! Happy New Year!” in the room behind
me, and I realized that I wasn’t actually happy with my life.

My vague sense of dissatisfaction was also due in part to my
grandmother’s constant, pointed comments about me being a cosmetic
chemist (or as she liked to call it, wasting my college degree by becoming a
“makeup lackey”) instead of choosing an important job, like being an
environmental scientist.

Which was what she did for a living.
I was extremely happy with my chosen profession. I was less happy
with the lab I worked in. Still a real lab, but it had drawbacks. There were
definite bright spots, like my fellow chemist and best friend in the world,
Catalina Diaz. She’d been here for six months (compared to my four years),
and being the only two women in our division had quickly cemented our

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